01 - First Plan

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"Cameras ready?"

"Yes, president."

"Okay...Start Rolling!"

It's a normal weather, bright green trees and what looked like a school's entrance. A black-haired boy cleared his throat. He was wearing his school uniform and looked...normal but at the same time unique. He lightly started waving,

"Hello, My name is Kim Dokja. I'm a smartass from Byeol Academy!"

He turns, there appeared a tall man walking in the distance, he was also wearing the same uniform. Dokja turns back to the camera and smiles while pointing at the black-haired man.

"And that sunfish is my rival. His name is Yoo Joonghyuk. Actually, he isn't my rival anymore because I'm smarter, and pretti-"

A tall man suddenly slapped Dokja at the back of his head, resulting where Dokja's head forcefully gets shoved down and almost falls on his face too.

"Ugh?! Who the..."

Dokja groaned while rubbing the back of his head. He turned to look at the culprit in annoyance and looked up, it was Joonghyuk. Staring right into his soul with a pissed off expression.

"Oh! It's you, Joonghyukie!"

His tone suddenly changed into a nicer one but Joonghyuk didn't buy his act. He ignored it.

"Only a fool would lie about their wisdom."

Dokja stayed silent while still smiling. In the inside, he was cursing him out in the most foul way possible.

"I'm smarter than you, and we both know that."

Joonghyuk said before walking off to the huge beautiful garden. Dokja turns his head back to the camera and sighs while smiling,

"Man, I hate that guy. Anyways! What're the questions?"

The director flips her notebook and smiles.

"Ah right, What's your relationship with Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi?"

While he thought about the question, his smile slowly fades. Instead, he looked lost and confused about it.

"Actually...I don't know if we're friends or enemies..."

He mumbled though returned back to his happy expression. Like usual,

"Sorry for that sad answer, next!"

"...When did you first meet Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi?"

Even though his face didn't change, he still looked happier than before the director asked that question.

"I met him a long time ago. I don't even remember, but I know it's been very, very long. We've been friends- no, rivals ever since."

He shrugs off to the side while smiling genuinely.

"It feels like we were destined to be rivals."

Dokja chuckles before looking back at the director, a more cheerful aura was being emitted around him.

"Next question."

The director was quiet for a minute while staring into space, and then hurriedly read her notebook.

"Okay, Dokja-yah....."

The interview lasted for 20 minutes, everyone was happy with the results, especially the director. She happily shook his hand while grinning.

"Thank you again Dokja-yah! Our club appreciates you a lot!"

She exclaimed and let go of his hand. Dokja smiles in his usual businessman way,

"No problem, Aebi noona."

He went off lavishly, but when the director wasn't looking he started running like a little gremlin towards a black-haired female, almost as tall as him.


He shouted, smiling like a creep...He finally catched up with the disgusted Sooyoung.

"What do you want?"

He takes a big deep breath before just going to whisper in her ear secretively.

"I fucking hate Yoo. Joong. Hyuk. so. damn. much."

Dokja smiles like he had said something good, but it wasn't at all. Sooyoung was speechless, (Another tantrum, great.)
She sighs,

"I get it. You don't need to keep telling me!"

He crosses his arms and started looking upset in a painfully dramatic way.

"Well, I want to!"

He exclaimed in a sassy tone. His expression turns into a happy one, and goes to whisper in Sooyoung's ear again.

"But this time, I'm sure I'll place first."

Finally, Sooyoung's interest was piqued, she smirks in a pleased way,

"How are you so sure? You gonna cheat?"

She quietly spoke, but instead of a 'yes', she got a shocked, ugly look.

"No way! What I'm gonna do is...."

He looks around before going in to whisper in her ear, this time covering his mouth with both of his hands.

"I'm gonna distract him from studying by...Pretend dating him!"

Sooyoung was even more interested now. She grins happily, but slowly wears off to a curious look.

"How the hell are you gonna do that? He doesn't even like you!"

".....I mean...Yeah he doesn't BUT! I'll act all cutesy with him when confessing so that he feels guilty and accepts!!!!!!"

He crosses his arms again, this time in a more prideful and shining way. He scoffs while thinking of his own idea, and agreeing to himself.

"Smart, isn't it?"

"I think anyone could've thought that."

She replied nonchalantly and immediately, it was a chance to diss Dokja, and so she took it.

"Damn, how did I lose my second place to a squid-looking ass like you?"

she continued. Dokja started frowning, looking hurt. But he really wasn't, he put his right hand on his chest and spoke.

"It's because I'm so much prettier, smarter, hotter, and I know the future!"

It was in a sad way that gradually became happier each word. Sooyoung raises her eyebrows in slight disbelief about every word he said,

"What the fuck do you know about the future?"

"...Well, I know I'll be first place this time."

Sooyoung paused for a moment, and nodded her head as an agreement. She also had to let the squid have fun with his imagination. But suddenly, a question pops up in her head. She turns to Dokja almost immediately.

"Dude, who's the top and who's the bottom?"

She asked, in a serious and slightly concerned tone. Dokja looks up the sky, as if he was thinking thoroughly.

"I'm gonna be the top!"

He looked back at Sooyoung with a proud face, both fists on his hips, very happy he was, but Sooyoung...Didn't think the same as he did.

"I bet 25 he's the top and you're the bottom."

She was so sure that she was right, and Dokja's expression was tremendously shocked, it looked so stupid.

"How?? I'm so much of a top energy!"

"Ew, don't say weird shit like that."

With that, they kept on ranting about it all across the academy. Joonghyuk actually saw them after coming out the garden, he followed them and knew what they were talking about but didn't know who the other person was.

At the end of the day, Joonghyuk thought that Dokja was even more stupid. How did Han Sooyoung lose 2nd place to that fool? He thought.

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