05 - Stalker!

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It's been 3 weeks and a day since Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk have been dating. Han Sooyoung, unfortunately still hasn't been able to tell Dokja.

The reason is Yoo Joonghyuk. In her point of view, he kept clinging onto Dokja whenever she was there, and was also busy after school since she was with librarian Sangah...

At a weekend, she tried to think of how to tell him the problem in a way of speaking to herself. She was scrolling on her phone, laying on the living room floor.

"Should I just tell Dokja in person? No. I won't be able to see Sangah..."

She sighs, continuing to mumble to herself in her empty apartment. Maybe she should just tell Dokja via text right now.

"...You're right, narrator. But what's the fun in that?"

Please text Kim Dokja your concern right now otherwise I'll make Truck-kun you over.

"...You must be hearing things. I said I'd do it."

She hurriedly switches to her message app and types a message to Kim Dokja. A few seconds passed before she finally sent it. An instant read from Dokja, is he chronically online everyday everynight...?

That's beside the point. Dokja starts typing as Sooyoung looks intently at her screen, waiting for a reply she'd be contented with.

"Cool!" He texted back, then sent a cute cat emoji that was winking. Han Sooyoung was left without words, she was absolutely stunned.

"...That's so stupid!"

She exclaimed, gritting her teeth while she was about to throw her phone to the distant wall, but stopped herself and sighed calmly.

"It's that rat's fault...I should throw him, not my phone..."

She says calmly, eyes closed and caressing her phone. She takes a big deep breath before talking to herself again...

"I still wanna throw this."

It's a monday morning, Dokja and Sooyoung were walking together throughout the whole school to pass some time since they were early, one of the first few topics was the s̶u̶n̶f̶i̶s̶h̶ devil himself, Yoo Joonghyuk.

"Hey. What are we gonna do about Yoo Joonghyuk now?"

Sooyoung asks, very intrigued and curious on what he'll do and what his live reaction is to what she said last Saturday.

"What do you mean we? I'm the only one in a relationship with him so it's 'you'."

He then flipped his imaginary long hair in a sassy way while simultaneously rolling his eyes at her, he continues,

"Anyway, I'll just keep acting all cute and needy so that he eventually caves in and starts buying me expensive things and slowly starts to go down in ranks and I get top 1."

Dokja's pace of words gradually got faster and faster as he said all of that, and Sooyoung's reaction was worth seeing, she was distancing herself from Dokja one step at a time.

"....That's oddly specific. Were you perhaps dreaming...about that....?"

She asks, her tone with disgust and uncomfortability which made Dokja gasp dramatically and make an effort to be dramatic.

"How could thou say that!"

Dokja exclaims in a british accent, staring right at Sooyoung with sad eyes. It just made her feel even more disgusted, genuinely. But it was funny, too.

"Please stop. You're embarassing yourself."

Then, the squid quickly refixed his posture and cleared his throat, walking normally and being normal in general now.

"That never happened."

"Whatever you say."

As the two continued on with other topics, laughing at eachother and other things, there was actually someone watching and following their every move. It was of course not anyone other than Yoo Joonghyuk, yes.

He was curious about what Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung's schemes were, so he followed them. Turns out he found out something, since he tried not to get suspicion, he played it safe and stayed slightly far. He heard certain words and mutters.

And Joonghyuk definitely heard Kim Dokja's loud voice, though he didn't hear the part about him very clearly. All he heard was "I wanna be cute and needy", "Eventually he'll cave in", and maybe some other things he misheard.

He was quite neutral about it though, hearing that Dokja would be cute and needy with him was actually resistible and okay. (Wait. Why am I okay with that?) He asked himself, pausing for a moment as the two slowly start to vanish from his vision.

It took him a few minutes before he snapped out of it and looked both ways, and saw a pair of two idiots, Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja. They were both crossing their arms and looking at Joonghyuk like he did a sin.

"Were you spying on us, Yoo Joonghyuk?"

Sooyoung asks, she was the first to speak after a generous amount of silence.

"Yeah! Are you a stalker, Joonghyuk?"

Followed Dokja, with a more sassy tone than Han Sooyoung. He looked Joonghyuk up and down from head to toe, it made Joonghyuk slightly irritated.




The three each said, looking at eachother and turning their heads. They stood near the garden fountain, the only thing they could hear is falling water. This went on for about...2 minutes,

"I'm not following you, I just happened to be near."

Joonghyuk answered sternly, looking at the both with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows, or also known as his normal expression.

"Hmmm.....Are you sure?"

Asked Sooyoung, one raised eyebrow as if still suspicious of him, Dokja just backs away silently with no complaints or so.

At this point, Sooyoung and Joonghyuk are just having a staring contest except with insults.

"Are you suggesting I'm a liar? How ridiculous. The only one who would be is Kim Dokja."

"Dokja's top 2, and he lies. That means you can lie too!"

"No. It only applies to him."

"Nuh uhh!"


Since Dokja wanted his Bella Swan moment, he shortly ran in-between them both and stretched his arms out to "seperate" them.

"Stop fighting over me!"

"What the fuck?"

Asked Sooyoung in a disgusted tone, she backed away once more. Her face still pointing out she was grossed out with his main character moment (he is the main character).

"I hate to agree, but it's a valid reaction. What the fuck, actually?"

Joonghyuk added. Just right after the "fuck" part though, Dokja and Sooyoung suddenly jumped a far distance away from him with a face full of terror.

"Did I say anything wrong?"

Joonghyuk asked, genuinely concerned and confused. He tilts his head while staring at them.

"Yo.....Did you hear that?"

Sooyoung frantically looked back between Dokja and Joonghyuk, in doubt of what he said.

"Yeah bro....He- He cursed!"

Dokja exclaimed.



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Haha I had alot of time I was just lazy to write muahahahahaha!

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