02 - Success

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Friday, 4:00 PM.

That is the day and time Kim Dokja will confess his "love" to Yoo Joonghyuk, and today is that lucky day. Let's wish Dokja's confession will be accepted. He's just waiting for time to pass since it's still 3 o' clock.

He went to hang out with his friends, rant with Sooyoung, and get embarrassed. It was exactly 4:00. He stopped everything he did and ran, Sooyoung tilted her head for a moment, and realized. She immediately after started running with him.

"Dude, your confession better work!"

She shouted in a worried tone, occasionally looking at Dokja while running to find Yoo Joonghyuk.

"Of course it will!"

He shouted back while smiling. Sooyoung was about to say something else, but stopped herself and also stopped running as she saw a glimpse of Yoo Joonghyuk. She quickly grabs Dokja by the collar to stop him from running and point to the man, even while not looking at him either.

"Yo, that's him."

She puts her arm down while looking at Dokja, waiting for his response. But she just saw his face gradually go to a terrified expression.

"What the fuck is he wearing...?"

Dokja mumbled in a nervous tone, a shivering voice. Sooyoung was confused, curious of what he had seen. She turns to look back at Joonghyuk who was far in the hallway, and she also felt surprised, you could say that her jaw dropped.

It was Yoo Joonghyuk, wearing a prince costume. He was talking to a girl who was in a pink princess costume, it was very unusual for him to participate in school roleplays especially since he wasn't in the drama club.

"....Where's your phone. Hurry. Take a picture."

Sooyoung squirmed, looking for a phone. She found hers in her messenger bag. She immediately took multiple photos of him from different distances and angles, it wasn't very surprising that Yoo Joonghyuk didn't see her.

She's the sneakiest person alive, probably! Dokja, on the other hand, is still loading. He wasn't very sure of what was happening around him, but what he did know is that his heart made a thump.

It was unusual, how could he know his heart thumped? Usually, everyone doesn't know whenever their heart beats, but why could he have only felt one thump? He knows his heart is beating more than just one time. But-


Shouted Sooyoung as she quickly put her phone in her messenger bag and dragged Dokja by the arm with her, what scary strength she has.

Dokja hadn't realized that he was being dragged, soles sliding in the ground. What he saw was just an angry, there was probably steam coming out of his head, and was running even faster and faster until almost reaching Dokja. That was when he realized,


He also yelled, louder than Sooyoung herself. He got on his feet and quickly went running next to her, they both looked frightened as they tried to look for a place to hide. Oh, wait! Wait wait wait wait WAIT!!! They forgot their mission to confess to Yoo Joonghyuk!!!! Hopefully, they stopped in their tracks. I think they heard me.

"Oh, right!"

The two turn around to look at Joonghyuk who was still mad. He crosses his arms while glaring at both, mostly at Kim Dokja. He gulps,

"Heyyyyy, Joonghyuk! I have something important to tell you!"

He exclaimed brightly and signaled for Sooyoung to leave. She nods quietly and walks away, feeling relieved she was. Yoo Joonghyuk on the other hand looked....quite furious. But I'm sure he was cooling down and acting all grumpy.


"Just- Just follow me, man!"

He grabs his hand and leads him to a place in the library where nobody goes. To the others who saw them, it looked strange since of course, everyone knows the both are rivals. Some students start whispering to one another.

They then arrived to the place, it had two bookshelves and a wide space in the middle, there was also a big arched window too. It seemed like moss and some sorts of plants and flowers had grew near the window and the shelves.

Dokja turns to look at Joonghyuk who was now calm and curious about what he had to say. He sighs audibly,
(Han Sooyoung, If I fail, I'll fucking blame you!) He screamed in his mind. But the plan was his idea, anyway. Dokja looks away from him,

"I like you, Yoo Joonghyuk."

He said softly and cutely. (THIS SHIT BETTER WORK I SWEAR TO GOD.) He looks back at Yoo Joonghyuk, expecting a disgusted face. But it was more than that, it was a shocked and disgusted face. Yes, Dokja was offended. But he still kept his cute act on and looked him in the eyes.

After a few moments, it seemed Joonghyuk was getting nervous and overwhelmed, he then quickly spoke.

"Fine, fine! I accept. I...ugh...like you too."

He said, and Dokja was absolutely happy. (I just won the lottery!! I'd like to thank Han Sooyoung!!!) His thoughts were bursting with happiness, but his actions weren't as happy. He grins,

"Thanks for accepting my confession!"

His eyes shined brightly, he suddenly kisses Joonghyuk's cheek and runs away quickly. It seems that Kim Dokja will be running for the whole entire day because of this.

And actually, Sooyoung was watching the confession from afar. She was actually reading smut on the same floor Dokja and Joonghyuk went, she saw a glimpse of them and came to see where they'd go. She was looking at them inbetween the books since there were tiny spaces between each of them.

She was surprised by Dokja's sudden kiss, but she was fine with it. When they finally left, she was even more happy and relieved since she can read in peace. She goes back to her former spot quietly.

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