06 - Transferee

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"Don't make it seem like a big deal."

Joonghyuk sighs dissappointedly, thinking of how they thought he couldn't curse when they're literally at senior year, high school.

"And as I was saying, I wasn't stalking you both."

He spoke again, making his statement clearer than before. Dokja nods and gives a thumbs up,

"Alright, alright! We'll let you go this time."

He gives a grin and turns away, taking a step from them. Han Sooyoung does the same but turns her head back to Joonghyuk.

"But next time, we'll definitely think you're stalking us."

She says, glaring at Joonghyuk. The other also glared back at her, a fierce tension between them before Sooyoung decided to look back at where she was walking. Joonghyuk sighs and walks away, too.

(Han Sooyoung must hate me.) He thought, and decided to keep a grudge against her too.

A day passes, Kim Dokja has decided to go on a "romantic" date with Joonghyuk so that he'd fall for him more and get distracted by him. His plan after school was:

1. Lock arms with Yoo Joonghyuk, convince him to go on a date with me.

2. First Place: Go to a restaurant and order an ice cream with two spoons.

3. Seduce(?) him to make him pay the bill.

4. Second Place: A store that sells couple sweaters, and make Yoo Joonghyuk wear his at school.

5. Give him a kiss on the cheek after he walks me home.


– that was exactly what he wrote on his notebook while in class. He sighs satisfiedly, thinking of himself as a genuis. Better than Einstein, definitely.

"Mr. Kim! Pay attention to my class, will you?"

The professor shouted, shaking his head in disappointment. Dokja immediately turns his head to the professor and apologizes, deciding to actually pay attention.

After period, he stands up and walks out of the room to look for Yoo Joonghyuk. Luckily, he was just at a distance talking to Sooyoung. It seemed like they were fighting instead given from the glares they gave eachother. Dokja walks to them, calling out their names.

"Sooyoung! Joonghyuk-ah!"

He yelled, waving his hand out to make himself more noticeable in the noisy crowd. Both of them heard him and waved back charmingly. Before Joonghyuk could say something to Dokja, Sooyoung immediately runs to him.

"Fucking hell, Dokja. That bastard Yoo Joonghyuk picked a fight with me for no reason!"

She whispered in his ear secretively, side-eyeing Joonghyuk in the process. The sunfish just glares at her in response and rolls his eyes.

"He sounds crazy if you say that. What'd he say?"

Dokja replied, making his voice as close as silent for only Sooyoung to hear. She smiles, happy that her best friend actually believed her for once.

"That roach said something about staying away from you cause I was apparently getting in the way of your pOtEnTiAl but I told him you don't have any since you're stupid!"

She answered, her mouth emitting fire from anger at this point. Joonghyuk sighs and walks closer to the duo,

"I can hear you, you know that? Don't make me look bad."

"Shut up, rich boy! Nobody told you to interrupt me and Dokja talking!"

Sooyoung crosses her arms in attempt to try and stop herself from throwing hands at him. Dokja smiles at the thought of them fighting like siblings, but then frowned when he remembered Sooyoung said he didn't have potential.

"Both of you should shut up, did you two know there's a new transferee?"

Dokja questions, successfully changing the subject they were talking about. It also made Joonghyuk and Sooyoung stop fighting and actually talk like how normal friends do.

"Yeah! I heard she's rich as hell! I mean, she is from hell right?"

Sooyoung exclaims excitedly.

"....She's from Heaven."

Responded Joonghyuk, looking at her with soulless eyes as if saying "Are you serious right now?"

Sooyoung scoffs, looking away from him in annoyance. These two were acting like they were in war, never stopping their fights.

"She's from Eden, technically Heaven or maybe some part of it...Anyway her name is Uriel!"

The squid smiles happily, feeling extremely smart since he knew information about a transferee the two didn't know.

"She doesn't have a surname?" Asked Sooyoung.

"She does...I just can't...erm...pronounce it."

"Her name is Uriel Archyean."

Joonghyuk sighs after pronouncing her surname, acting all cool. Dokja and Sooyoung applauded him and gave him a thumbs up. Internally, he was embarrassed.

"I still don't know how to say it."

Dokja sighs sadly. Suddenly, they hear loud footsteps as if someone was rushing towards them. The trio turn to the direction and see a blonde-haired girl wearing a black dress and golden jewelry.


Was Sooyoung's last words before they got killed. Actually, only Sooyoung was killed. She fainted by herself.

But the other two also get scared, though it was only Uriel Archyean of Eden. She was smiling brightly and acting like a whole fangirl.

"Hi! I'm Uriel. I'm a transferee in your section! And, I just wanna say I'm a BIG fan of you both! You guys are so smart!"

Turns out she was a fangirl. But that wasn't just the reason why she was a fan. Ever since she saw Kim Dokja's interview and saw Yoo Joonghyuk and him in one frame, she immediately started shipping them.

"And you two are just the perfect co- duo! So I wanted to study here!"

Uriel clears her throat in relief that she said duo instead of "couple". But, Dokja and Joonghyuk already know she was supposed to say couple.

They both looked at eachother, and they seemed to agree to tell her, thinking of it as something fun. It wouldn't hurt to, right? Nothing bad with telling someone you just met your secret relationship. They turn to Uriel and Dokja leans in to whisper in her ear,

"Don't tell anybody, but we are a couple."

He smiles and steps back, wondering what her reaction would be. And it was definitely worth it, Uriel looked so shocked by it. She takes a deep breath.

"Oh my heavens!! YOU GUYS ARE DATING!?"

She yelled out of surprise, multiple people then looked at their direction, whispering and staring. Joonghyuk and Dokja sighs. The squid even wanted to scream and punch the air.

"Oh, sorry sorry. It was just a prank. A Social Experiment!"

Uriel chuckles awkwardly and so the crowd goes back to their own business. She looks at the two disappointed men in front of her, Kim Dokja was practically about to scream in embarrassment. Yoo Joonghyuk glances at Dokja and sighs.

"We're leaving."

Joonghyuk quickly grabs Dokja's wrist and drags him somewhere, leaving Uriel speechless. All she could do was stare at their silhouettes fading in the distance.

"What was that....?"

Her voice was shaky, still in a state of shock that they just disappeared like that. Uriel was about to walk away after a minute, but she stumbled upon something.

"Oh, right! Sooyoung-ssi  fainted! WAIT SOOYOUNG-SSI FAINTED!?"

After, Han Sooyoung was finally sent to the nurse's clinic. Thank Uriel. Or maybe not?

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I forgot about this lmao

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