B0NUS : Merry.

310 7 15

WARNING : Cliche, not lore accurate to the novel(never was), NSFW!

The chapter is them in the future!

[ 🎄 ]

A wonderful day, actually, it's quite special. It's Christmas eve. The day some people only start putting their festive decorations on, like Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk.

It's 10 in the morning and they're just preparing, they decided to do specific parts and not interrupt eachother. Kim Dokja is in charge of the christmas tree, christmas socks, lights, and games while Yoo Joonghyuk does the food, and... Basically everything else.

They were feeling festive, unlike Han Sooyoung. Her apartment didn't have any Christmas lights or any small decorations as if the event didn't even exist, instead she was looking at the comments of a fanfic she was reading.

"What the fuck is a whoreja??? A slutja?? What the fuck are with these comments saying shit like "sHe BrOkE tHe FoUrTh WaLl" THERE WAS NEVER A WALL!"

The way she yelled was so loud that it woke up some stressed and tired people, how dare she, interrupting their Christmas break? Sooyoung shifts up and pauses for a few seconds, she sighs abruptly, frowning in a guilty way and lies back down. I wonder why she likes laying on the floor so much?

Moving back to Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk, it has gotten quite messy. Dokja was screaming all around the house, mostly about asking Joonghyuk for his help.

"Shut the fuck up, Kim Dokja."

Jopnghyuk aggressively said, finally getting angry after 30 minutes of Kim Dokja screaming, running, whining, and complaining to him since they promised not to interrupt eachother.

Dokja audibly sighs in a disappointed way, looking off to the distance to make himself look sadder than he actually is.

"....After this, I won't help you anymore."

Joonghyuk says, this time more calmer than before. He skillfully helped Kim Dokja untangle the christmas lights and went back to cooking steak in the kitchen.

The squid walks back to the living room quietly, deciding to be independent once and for all and he did exactly that.

Next thing you knew, Kim Dokja was on the floor tangled up in the same christmas lights he asked for help with. He got stuck in them when he tried wrapping them around the tree, but I guess he was the tree?

He squirmed and squirmed on the floor, tied up in a weird way by himself. He truly looked like the inner worm he never knew he was. An iconic sight.

As Dokja was about to scream for Yoo Joonghyuk to come help him, he stopped himself and remembered that he was supposed to be an independent, strong man. (I can do this!) He says in his mind, feeling very determined now.

A whole hour had already passed, but his situation didn't get better, it just got worse. The position he was in was quite...Interesting. Still tangled up in the lights, his cheek touching the floor and back arched. Yes he was bending over.

(Should I ask Joonghyuk for his help now...?) He asks himself in his thoughts and sighs, struggling to change his position.

(No! I'm a perfectly independent man, I can do this by myself.)

As he continued to try loosen the lights, they just got even tighter than before, making Dokja groan.

"I thought pulling on things make them loose!"

He exclaimed, trying to find the source of the tangle instead, but then a set of footsteps were heard. T'was Yoo Joonghyuk's steps getting closer and closer to him.

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