Chapter 1

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They held the first winter assembly in Dusk, in Upper-capital, on Yar. It coincided with the day Santi returned home. The first assembly was always well attended, and everyone had high hopes that Felton Burn, the Leigh of the Sundial solar system, and his nephew, Arjun Gust, the future Leigh of the Darken solar system, would attend. More so, the eligible bachelorettes.

The Spheres' invitation to the Crags arrived as usual.

Mr. Sphere made his fortune in mining. They lived in the town, in an enormous house, far too large for the three family members, and owned four hover crafts. Murai, their only daughter, had entertained hopes they would give one to her when she came of age, but that had yet to happen.

The Crags lived in a humble cottage in the country, a two-hour walk up a hill from the edge of the town. Mr. Crag did not earn enough to support three children before the fourth was born, did not own a hover car, and could not afford to rent one.

Therefore, the Spheres invited them to dress, dine, and sleep at their house on the eve of the festivities, and sent their spare craft to fetch their friends.

Winters never treated Mr. Crag well, especially since he retired from the Interstellar Military. Spending nights out gambling with his friends inflamed his arthritis, agitated his chest colds, and worsened the situation at home. He always left with ten credits in his pocket, but returned with nothing. Some would say it was a blessing he did not turn to drink like other officers.

He lost his wife during the same week he sent Santi to live with his brother, who had inherited the family fortune. With his health deteriorating, he always needed one of his girls to stay with him. Since only two were home, they decided Santi should represent them at the assembly so she could acquaint herself with their neighbors.

The town of Down-under, also known as South-capital, where Santi grew up, was exactly what the name implied; the bottom of the planet; the smallest in the Sundial solar system. Yar had five continents surrounded by water in summer and ice in winter. Each continent had a capital city and three or four major towns, depending on its size.

Having spent the last seventeen of her nineteen years in Down-under, while her family lived in Dusk near Upper-capital, she knew only her oldest sister, who kept in contact by writing when her situation allowed it.

In the bedroom, which once belonged to their brother, the two sisters now selected clothing for Santi to take with her. Determined to help her inexperienced youngest sibling, the older of the two took it upon herself to instruct and caution Santi.

"I am sure you will enjoy the ball as much as anyone, and with all the officers and seamen in attendance, you will have no rest. Mrs. Sphere's attendant is very helpful, so if Murai Sphere is occupied with her own dress, Ms. Vas will help you with your hair. If you have any doubts about anything, ask Mrs. Sphere. She knows more about fashion and color coordination than anyone I know. You will see for yourself when you walk into the drawing room she recently redecorated. She may also ask to see your dress before you leave. Though she would not want you to outshine her daughter, she will not want you to embarrass them, either. They are acting as your guardians for the duration of your stay, after all."

"From what you have already told me about Murai Sphere in your letters, I doubt I could outshine such a beauty as you described. She is bound to wear something sparkling and complementary to her light complexion. With my dark coloring, I could never wear something like that."

"You will shine in anything you wear. No doubt you will be the prettiest girl in attendance. Even if you look plain, you will receive all the attention. Everyone always have their eyes open for unfamiliar faces. Arjun Gust will undoubtedly pay you some attention, and even partner you for at least one dance."

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