Chapter 4

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Santi woke disorientated and achy. Sheer white drapes surrounded her, and through a crack, the sun reflected off yellow walls. She had slept in the same bed for fourteen years and never had drapes. As she matured, her bedding and the other furniture changed with her, but over-all, the bedroom stayed the same. This bedroom, however, she did not recognize.

A chime sounded—the same sound that had awoken her. The bedroom door opened, and a maid entered with a tray. Memories of the Spheres and the previous day returned as the fog of sleep cleared from her mind.

"Morning, Miss. Cook sent you some tea to help you wake up. Would you like me to tie back the drapes for you?"

Santi took the tea, added sugar and a dash of cream, and then drank two mouthfuls before she risked speaking.

"Sorry. My throat was a little dry. But I would be grateful if you could tie them back. Is everyone else awake? Did I oversleep?"

"No, Miss. After last night, everyone slept late. They always have a lie in after a ball. I am to help you with your toilet."

"You're from the east," Santi said before she could stop herself.

The girl's eyes grew. "How did you know, Miss?"

"I am sorry. I sometimes speak before I think. But your word choice gave you away. You said you came to help me with my toilet, not help me dress. I still shorten my words as they do in Down-under, but if I want to fit in here, I must remember to say each word. I had enough attention last night. And I fear it is not over yet."

The girl collected fresh under-garments and the white day dress with the blue flower-print Santi requested. She swallowed the last of her tea and rushed to relieve herself and freshen up before she changed out of her nightgown. The girl continued to worry her lip, so Santi turned to face her and waited.

"It is not my place to say anything, Miss, but you will hear soon enough. People say you rejected the future Leigh of Darken to dance with the son of the Leigh of Sundial."

"I did no such thing! He did not ask me, because he thought it was beneath him to ask for a proper introduction from Mr. and Mrs. Sphere. So I ignored him as I am supposed to do. The Leigh of Sundial reprimanded him for his atrocious behavior, as well. And even if I rejected him, I am not obliged to dance with every man who asks me. He is not the Leigh yet, and probably will never inherit his title if he never stops using girls as playthings he can discard when he grows bored with them."

The girl answered with a mere, "Oh," and continued to strap Santi into her corset. She did not always wear it with her day dresses, but the girl already had it around her before she decided to forgo wearing it that day.

That was not the last time she explained the night's events. Though the staff had not attended the ball, they seemed to know more than the owners of the house. Mrs. Sphere had heard the same lie from Ms. Vas and questioned Santi during breakfast.

Then she had to repeat it several more times as friends came to gossip about the ball. Apparently, this was a familiar occurrence; for neighbors to call on Mrs. Sphere the day after a winter function. The household, however, knew they mostly came to have a closer look at Santi, who received more attention from the Leigh of Sundial than he had shown anyone over the last ten years.

Though Santi sat within hearing of the conversations, many people complimented her looks and upbringing. Others found no fault except to say she did not have her oldest sister's beauty. And others still commented with distaste about her candor. They thought it inappropriate for a girl her age to speak her mind so freely. Santi noticed those comments came from men.

One man, who had bored her so much she almost yawned in his face, had the audacity to say she never spoke a word throughout the dance. To this she answered, "Because you spoke so much about yourself, I had no opportunity to say anything." Of course, he did not hear her, as he once more recited his entire family tree and all his achievements without taking a breath. Mrs. Sphere, who had heard her comment, attempted to hide her smile behind her teacup.

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