Chapter 3

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The clock chimed seven times when the butler rushed in to announce the Munts' craft going past the house. This, apparently, was the signal for them to gather their coats and for Mr. Sphere to order their car. As predicted, the larger craft stopped at the front door. Dressed now in black, the same aviator as before slid the doors open for them.

Mrs. Sphere and Murai's dresses swept the floor, even though the girl was barely two and twenty. (Then again, girls in the Southern capital dressed far less modestly than those in Upper-capital.) To avoid sullying their hems, they rode a chair to the craft and stepped inside without setting foot on the dirty walkway. Santi had no such problem and took the proffered arm of Mr. Sphere. No one commented, so she did not know if they expected her to use the chair as well. She could do nothing about it once she stepped into the craft. Mr. and Mrs. Sphere occupied a seat each, and since Murai had spread out her dress, Santi took the seat in the rear of the craft.

Mrs. Sphere continued her repertoire about the expected guests for the ball. When she mentioned a couple of officers who the girls should avoid, Mr. Sphere reminded her that Santi's father recently retired from the military. Not that Santi had any objections to her advice. The woman quickly turned the conversation to eligible bachelors, mentioning so many occupations, Santi could not keep up. She had no idea they needed that many businesses to make, sell, and maintain hover cars, busses, bikes, chairs, boats, boots, and she knew not what else. Owning a business required more staff than her uncle could have afforded. Though she understood that, she had not grasped the extensivity. No wonder her uncle had only one assistant. People did not die every other day, just because he had a business to run.

Mr. Spere declared he preferred arriving early so he could claim a seat near the fire for his wife. But the only sound that gave any indication they intended to hold a ball at the assembly rooms that eve was a violin warming up. Santi's governess instructed her on the violin, harp, and the piano. She suffered with many calluses before she yielded and wore rubber fingertips. Santi now recognized the warm-up set she had practiced for many years.

If not for the fairy lights guiding their path, the bright light streaming through the open doors of the inn would have seared Santi and her companions' eyes. She still had to blink to clear her sight as she stepped into the sterile entry hall. If they attempted to blind their visitors to any imperfections with their glowing light-crystals, they had achieved it.

Murai rushed ahead of them and asked the coat attendant if anyone had arrived. Though they could see the coats hanging in an open closet, the woman confirmed only the Munts had arrived thus far, but two families and a few officers had rented rooms and were still dressing for the ball.

One of those people, a striking young man in his twenties, accosted them in the passage leading to the assembly rooms. Santi could not think of it any other way since the man came upon them so suddenly, no one could have avoided him. He greeted them by name and with forced enthusiasm, informed them again that only the Munts had arrived, and mentioned—to no one's interest—that he had yet to dress for the ball. But the moment he noticed Santi, Mrs. Sphere hurried the girls away from him.

"The future Leigh of the Darken solar system, I presume," Santi whispered to her new friend. Murai had hooked her arm through Santi's as soon as Arjun Gust transferred his attention to Santi.

"How did you know?" Murai asked.

"Ela said he made friends everywhere, and your mother did not speak highly of him. The way he presumed himself on friendly terms with your family, and Mrs. Sphere's hurried retreat, told me all I needed to know. I understand why people say he is handsome, but he is not for me. I prefer a man who will match me. Dark hair, strong masculine features, and with better manners."

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