Chapter 7

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Mustard and yellow were the same color in Santi's mind, except that one was darker. The dress she now wore was not yellow. Though they left the bodice mustard and decorated it with tiny rhinestones, the mustard ended there. It darkened to a deep, burned-orange around the edges of her sleeves and along the hem of her skirt. To Santi, it looked like the color bled towards her wrists and feet.

Instead of detracting from her coloring as she had expected, it enhanced her tanned skin, giving her a glowing complexion. If the other two dresses grabbed people's attention, this one would do so even more. Santi grew uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Murai and her mother seemed oblivious to her distress as they fluttered around her, first piling her hair on her head, then leaving it to hang free. Eventually they gathered it into a ponytail that hung from the back of her head in thick twirled ribbons.

Growing up with only her governess to help her dress, she had no one who doted on her as much as those two women. It brought tears to her eyes, which Mrs. Sphere noticed.

"Oh, child, what is wrong? Do you not like it?"

Santi shook her head and revealed her thoughts and then received hugs from her new friends. Mrs. Sphere had a severe look upon her face as she reprimanded Santi's aunt for her neglect, but quickly added, "Some women are not meant to be mothers, I suppose."

Santi still avoided any comments regarding the woman they called her aunt.

Before she could ask to see Murai's dress, they were called downstairs. Mrs. Sphere said she expected the first guests at seven, and it was not yet six. When she returned, however, she brought Ela with her. Santi threw herself into her sister's arms and asked all her questions in one breath.

"Why are you here? Is Father with you? Goodness, it is so good to have you here. But who is with Father if you are here? Did Pen come home?"

"Breath, Santi. Father did not come and Pen is not home yet. The Leigh of Sundial brought Car-Louis and a nurse. Apparently, Father said he would stay home and entertain the boy so I could come to the party. He wanted us to spend more time together."

"How did you get here? You're not dressed. Where is your dress?"

Ela's eyes stretched as she took in what Santi wore for the first time. "Oh, Santi. That is beautiful, but where did you get it? I do not remember packing that."

"Because you did not pack it," Murai said, as she entered with two more dresses. "Mother had it made along with these two. The lilac one is for you, Ela, and the pink one for me."

Like Santi's dress, their dresses started with dark lilac and pink and faded to a white bodice, but their skirts shimmered. Since Santi's had rhinestones on her bodice, and she wore a replica of the diamond studded neckband her uncle gave her, she did not need more glitter.

While Ms. Vas did Murai and Ela's hair, the girls enjoyed their tea and chatted about everything that happened.

"Oh, you had to see the look on his face when we left. I never felt so frightened in my life. If only he will stay away tonight," Santi said.

"Are you sure he was looking at you, Santi?" Ela asked.

"Positive. I mean, I am sure. He looked right at me, but I cannot fathom why he would seem so angry. I did not make him any promises, and I am not obligated to any man who pays me attention. I never asked for it. But what do you think about what he said at the gallery? I have never heard a clergyman speak like that. And was it so wrong to wear that dress?"

Murai fetched it so Ela could see what they had made, and Ms. Vas insisted it was more proper than some dresses she had seen girls of Santi's age wear. They both agreed the priest had behaved unbecoming to a man in his position.

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