Chapter 13

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It was customary for the family to follow the undertaker's craft to the funeral home, but the Crags live on a hill two hours away from the town. They would have frozen before they reached it. Instead, everyone piled into the four largest crafts: Mr. Sphere's, Mr. Ash's, The Leigh's, and Car-Arjun's.

The Leigh insisted on paying for everything. Santi still had enough funds to pay the undertaker, but had no heart to argue with him on the day of her father's funeral.

Hal carried the suit they had selected for their father, as well as the medals he earned during his service with the military. The undertaker would attach them after they dressed him.

The Leigh drew the family crest, which they would carve onto the coffin's lid. Only highly decorated officers and people of importance received that honor. And her father was a Sein, after all.

Ela chose the coffin: a dark brown oily wood from the Akna tree, and gold trimmings (as per the Leigh's suggestion). A coffin fit for a Sein. Pen selected the hymn; the same hymn they had sung at their mother's funeral. So Santi chose the linin for the interior: baby blue Zapra worm silk. It was biodegradable, and much lighter and easier to dye than Earth's silks. They rarely traded for Earth products since the traders often acquired it illegally. Earth was still a closed world, unaware of life on other planets.

Mr. Spere had contacted the friends her father would have visited that evening. When they suggested postponing their night, Santi asked them to keep the date in honor of their father. He so much wanted to see them one last time, it seemed wrong for them to not enjoy their game that night.

Most of the women did not come for the funeral. That became clear when they attempted to ply the Leigh and Car-Arjun with their attention. They received the women's attentions with gruff reprimands and rude responses.

One woman, however, grabbed Santi's attention, so she walked towards her and retrieved the pouch she made the day before.

"Take one and slip it into your glove." When she received a sneer, she added, "If you want to stay alive, do as I say."

The woman glanced behind her, but then grabbed a ten-credit chip and slipped it into her glove.

"Keep it there until you reach your destination. Take the pouch and head to the nearest bus-station. Board the first bus to Middle-capital and ask them to drop you at the spaceport."

Santi, still looking around and nodding at anyone who looked her way, then retrieved a square device and booked a ticket in her name.

"Tell them you are San-Tina Crag and they have a ticket waiting for you. Nothing more. Do not speak to anyone other than the aviator and the clerk. When you get there, find yourself a job. Anything is better than what you did before. And if you ever try to revert to your old ways, those credits will return to me. I will tell Bishan Arul where to find you. The bus leaves in twenty minutes. You should run."

"They will see."

"They will not see you leave. I made sure of that. No one will follow you as long as you keep your mouth shut. Go before I change my mind. And Widow Grunt. Do not return. Ever!"

The three men who had watched the woman now searched the building for her. Widow Grunt, however, had hurried out and disappeared. The Leigh and Louis joined Santi and the boy once more latched onto her. She no longer minded. His presence kept her from breaking apart.

"You did a kind thing, but will she do as you instructed?" the Leigh asked.

"If she reverts to her old ways, they will find her without my help. I gave her a chance at a better life. I can do no more. But if I ever have to travel to other planets, I will avoid Kushnar. I do not want to see her again."

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