Chapter 19: my family is PROTECTED

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The doctor woke up in a cell with Amy and Rory but no Clara, What he heard next made his hearts sink "DOCTOR HELP M-" there was a heavy thud and he assumed she was on the ground. He couldn't see her anywhere, then he looked out of his cell and saw her crying on the ground saying over and over "please leave my baby please leave my baby" the doctor had witnessed enough he smashed the window and jumped into Clara's room "hello gentlemen" he was greeted with guns "guns really guys you could of chosen any weapon and you chose guns?" "Well doctor how nice of you to come and witness the death of your child!" "Good afternoon to you too missy" missy walked over to Clara who was protectively covering her stomach "now missy I don't know if you know this but when it comes to my family I will do anything and everything to protect them! Clara come here" she looked at him "common it's okay they won't do anything" Clara got up and ran into the doctors arms "Amy Rory can you look after Clara? I have something to do" "missy you did the one thing that is unforgivable, you tried to hurt my family! My family is PROTECTED! So this time would you mind staying dead" with one tap she was gone, disintegrated into dust. The doctor ran back to Clara, Amy and Rory "clara are you okay?" "Doctor...the baby...has stopped moving...I can't feel it moving" The doctor's face fell and he picked Clara up and rushed her to the TARDIS "where are we going?" Amy asked "to the hospital we need to see Martha now" Amy and Rory had never seen the doctor so distressed but Amy just tried to comfort Clara.
~at the hospital~
Martha was looking at clara as she did an ultrasound "Clara your baby is fine we don't know why it stopped moving but it is fine. Probably shock, you are now able to see what gender the baby is. Do you want to know the gender?" Clara nodded "Clara your baby is a....."
Cliffhanger! #sorrynotsorry <3

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