Ten days

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Jungkook stormed out of Annie's office in anger. Confused and desperate to understand his reaction, Annie chased after him and grabbed his hand. He spun around, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Now what?" he snapped.

"Please, Jungkook, at least tell me what I did wrong," she pleaded, her eyes wide with desperation.

Something flickered in his heart at the sound of his name from her lips. As he looked into her deep brown eyes, he noticed a mole just above her right eyebrow that he hadn’t seen before. His heart raced, a mix of irritation and an unsettling feeling he couldn't quite place. He hated this unfamiliar sensation and jerked his hand away from hers.

"Please," she repeated, her voice trembling.

Jungkook clenched his jaw, grabbing both of her arms and pulling her closer. He was much taller, forcing her onto her tiptoes. Their chests pressed together, and she could feel his heated breath on her face. His eyes were red—had he been crying? But why?

"Don’t you dare call me by my name. Don’t forget your place. You stole two years of my hard work and now you’re asking me what you’ve done?" he shouted, his voice filled with anger. Her heart ached at his harsh words.

"What?" she asked, utterly confused.

"Now you’re acting all innocent? Who could say that there isn’t a devil behind this innocent face?"

"I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about," she said firmly, locking eyes with him.

"You sold my song, even to the person I hate the most," he yelled.

"I..." She was left speechless, struggling to understand what was happening.

"What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Tell me, how much money did you make off it? Just fucking tell me!" he screamed.

"Jungkook—Mr. Jeon, please believe me, I didn’t do anything," she said softly, her eyes sparkling with sincerity. But he was too blinded by anger to see it.

"How can I trust you when I don’t know you completely?" he said coldly.

"How strange that you can’t trust me because you don’t know me well enough, yet you’re quick to blame me without any reason. We need reasons to trust someone, but apparently, we don’t need reasons to blame them," she said. Her words softened his gaze. He sighed deeply.

"Fine. You have ten days to prove yourself. But I have one condition: if you fail to prove that you’re not behind this, you have to leave this job and this company," he said coldly. She was deeply hurt by his disdain.

"Okay, I’ll prove it to you," she said firmly, meeting his gaze.

He turned and walked away.

**Annie's POV**

What song is he talking about? And to whom? How could he think that I’d sell his hard work for money?

The next day, every moment is crucial. I need to uncover all the details—what happened, how it happened, and why he thinks I’m responsible. Detective mode: activated. I can’t ask him directly, so I’ll need to get help from the members.

**Author's POV**

At lunchtime, Annie went to the practice room to ask the members what they wanted to eat. They quickly finished their meals. Annie glanced at Jungkook frequently, but he never looked at her.

"Hello, oppa!" A girl walked into the room. She looked like a model, dressed in a sports bra and black shorts. She greeted the members warmly, and they seemed to know her well. They laughed and chatted casually.

"Who is she?" Annie mumbled to herself.

"She’s a clingy bitch," someone said. Annie turned to see a woman with a disgruntled expression and couldn’t help but giggle at the comment.

"And who are you?" Annie asked the girl.

"Oh, hi! My name is Nia, Shin Nia. I’m BTS's makeup artist," the girl introduced herself.

"Hi. But why do you call her a bitch?" Annie whispered.

"Her name is Suzy. She’s a former trainee with BTS, so they’re like friends. But she’s always overly touchy with them," Nia whispered back.

"Are you jealous?" Annie asked with a sly smile.

"Of course, every ARMY would be," Nia replied.

"Who’s your bias?" Annie asked excitedly.

"I love all of them," Nia said, though her eyes were fixed on Suzy, who had just hugged Jimin. Nia clenched her jaw in frustration.

"One day, I’ll cut her hands into pieces and throw them to the dogs," Nia said through gritted teeth.

"Why so?" Annie asked.

"Because she always hugs them," Nia said angrily, her eyes still on Jimin and Suzy.

"Is it because she hugs them, or because she hugs Jimin-shi?" Annie asked, smirking.

Nia blushed slightly at Jimin’s name.

"So Jimin-shi is your bias. I see," Annie said softly.

"He’s not just my bias. I’ve loved him for three years, but he’s unaware of my feelings," Nia explained with a sigh.

"You tell me, who’s your bias?" Nia asked.

"I love all of them," Annie said happily.

Suddenly, Suzy hugged Jungkook. Annie’s eyes darkened. Her fists clenched in anger. How dare she hug him? And he’s smiling?

"You’re right; we should cut her hands," Annie said through clenched teeth.

"Aww, someone who claims to love all of them is suddenly jealous of Jungkook. Interesting," Nia said, mocking her.

"What do you mean?" Annie asked, confused.

"Come on. You like him the most. Your eyes give it away. You weren’t jealous when she hugged the other members, but you got upset when she hugged Jungkook," Nia said with a knowing smile.

"I… I…" Annie was speechless. Is it true? Does she like him?

"Well, do you just like him, or are you already in love?" Nia asked with a smirk.

"You’re saying nonsense. It was nice meeting you, Nia. Now I need to talk to the members," Annie said, feeling overwhelmed.

"Hey, you didn’t tell me your name," Nia said.

"Oh, sorry. My name is Kim Annie, and I’m the BTS event manager," she said cheerfully.

"Okay, Annie. Friends?" Nia extended her hand.

"Of course," Annie shook her hand, and they high-fived. As Annie noticed Jungkook glance her way before leaving, she decided it was the perfect time to speak with the members. She said her goodbyes to Nia and walked over to the members.

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