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JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH THIS MAN IS HOT. I'm sitting across from billionaire Isaac as he looks at me like I'm an intriguing exhibit. The first words that come out of his mouth are "Are you and that other girl friends?" I looked at him taken aback and said " how did you know?". He smiles and I swear I just saw the holy gates of heaven, "you guys have the same vibes" says Isaac as I continue to stare at his smile like it's the only thing in the room. I shake out of my trance and he proceeds to ask me questions about my other relationships along with how I was raised. By the end we shook hands but he kept my hand and placed a kiss on it. I swear I could have melted. "I hope to see u again soon" he says as I smile and say" I hope so too". I walk back into the waiting room smiling as my friends grill me about what happend and gushed over what he did. If I thought I had any competition and I was takeing this seriously(WHICH I KINDA AM NOW BUT WE WON'T TALK ABOUT THAT) I would say my real competition would be jewel. She is everything in a complete package tho she dosent realize it and continues to get into toxic relationships. "JEWEL, YOUR NEXT" shouted Isaac from his office. I sent her a tight lipped smile trying to not let my jealousy get the best of me. REMIND ME WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA.


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