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I sigh deeply wondering when this is gonna start and when this is going to be over all at the same time. I stand in the corner of the ballroom watching the decorations get set up making sure everything is up to Isaac's standards. He called saying he had a surprise last night and if u know Isaac u know to be scared of his surprises. I check the time on my watch and walk to the window. People are starting to arrive but 1 girl in particular catches my attention, The same girl that I saw in Isaac's office. Jewel.

She walks through the double doors with a couple of girls on each side of her. She wears this stunning dress that looks airy with this beautiful gold jewelry that contrasts well with her brown skin tone. Before I can stop myself I glide over to her. Once in front of her, she looked at me with wide eyes and parted lips. I smile and say "Welcome", she stares for a minute and then coughs and looks away and then back, a little bit shy, and says "Thank you" as she gives me an earth-shattering smile. I move from in front of her so she can continue walking in. She glances at me from the side of her eyes and continues walking.

I look up surveying the room only to see Isaac staring at me with a smirk, a smirk that had a hint do deviousness added to it. Isaac makes his way to the podium calling me and a couple of the core group to join him. Myself, Matthias, and Chris stand on his left side as he gets the crowd's attention." Hello and welcome to this gala, I hosted this because I wanted all of us to get to know each other better. Along with I have a sort of twist or change in the game.". The guys and I make eye contact wondering what he is about to say as we hear whispering in the small crowd of women. " instead of finding only myself a wife, I will also be finding one for these men up here who are my closest friends, They will be free to choose who they are interested in and once those girls choose they will then compete for there hand in marriage". My eyes got huge as I stared at Isaac clenching my jaw not saying a word. He did this on purpose he knows we would never defy him in public.

My mind then drifts off to the wonderful girl from earlier, if we are doing this she will be way...or another.

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