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I observe Issac trailing after her to the bathroom, and he suddenly comes back with anger on his face hurriedly walking toward me. I straighten my back waiting to hear his harsh words. "Why?" he says. I look at him with an eyebrow raised confused by his question, "Why would you ask her to compete for u?". Im baffled by his question "If im not mistaken, your words were to choose anyone who we were interested in and could see a future with, that's exactly what I did". He clenches his jaw "Do you even like her or is this out of spite". My eyes widen with the accusation "No this isn't out of spite I like her".

 I walk away hitting his shoulder completely caught off guard by his accusations. I see her coming from the hallway looking like she wished she was anywhere but here. As I make my way to her, her eyes widen "Are you okay", I reach over to touch her shoulder. "Um yea im fine, Isaac cornered me in the hallway". Upset I asked, "What did he say". "He asked me to compete for him, I told him I already agreed to you but he didn't care". It is taking everything in me not to full-on rage in front of Jewel not wanting to scare her off. "Would you maybe want to get out of here, maybe get food or watch a movie....or both?". She looks me in the eyes trying to decipher if my words have any underlying meaning or malice to them. 

After she finds what she is looking for she sighs "Sure im acheing to get out of these heels and this dress" She lets out an angelic laugh that even satan himself would smile. We began to walk to the door with my hand on her lower back, once we got outside the cool air whipped around us and I saw her shiver slightly. I shrug off my jacket and lay it on her shoulder. She gives another mind-boggling smile and says "thank you" quietly. Finally, my car comes and I open the door for her to let her in, then I jog to the other side. Once in the car, I ask "My place or yours, completely up to u". She contemplates for a while and says "My place". 

Time skip

After she gave me directions we made it to her apartment. She unlocks the door and I see a cozy feel to her place. Blankets, pillows, and books line the walls. She has a corner where there are art supplies. She turns to me "im sorry for the mess i was just working on a new painting and also reading before I came here". She began to pick up some things and put them in their place "It's no problem at all your place is very nice actually, and feels homey". She laughs "That's honestly exactly what I was going for, for everyone to come in and feel at home". We lock eyes for a while just mesmerised by each other until she breaks it and clears her throat "I'll be right back let me change and then we can order food, make yourself comfortable". I nodded making my way to the couch. I sit contemplating today's events while taking off my tie and undoing a few buttons of my shirt. 

She returns knocking the wind out of my chest. She is wearing sweats and a cropped hoodie looking delectable. I can't help but stare as she makes her way beside me to the couch. She looks up and sees me staring and says "What", I cough and look away "Um nothing you're just very beautiful". Her eyes widen as she looks at me and says thank u. 

We order food and just talk and laugh for hours. Eventually, it was 1 am and she informed me she had work the next day. "I should probably get going". "But it's late I dont want u to get into an accident, feel free to stay in the guest room if u want to". I looked at her making sure she was serious and said "Okay sure". She walked me to the room changed the bedsheets and brought me a blanket "your all set, goodnight Joseph". My name came from her lips sounding like a siren song, "Goodnight Jewel". I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek respectfully. FLustered she left the room closing the door behind her.

What am I going to do about you my Jewel? More importantly, What will Issac do?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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