Chapter 18 - Elucidation and Woe

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A/N: Idiom  树欲静而风不止 [樹欲靜而風不止]Shù yù jìng ěr fēng bù zhǐ The trees prefer calm, but the wind does not stop.  Meaning: In spite of a wish for peace, trouble is brewing. Things develop regardless of how you might wish. Powerless to influence outcome.

Warning/spoiler: I usually don't like to give warnings because I feel that it spoils the story for some people, but I felt this time it was necessary.  If you are a individual that feels sensitive to certain things, please scroll to the end of the chapter after the author notes for the warning, before reading this chapter. 

Chapter 18

It was late into the night but Wei Ying couldn't bring himself to go to sleep. After the emperor left, he had changed and readied himself for bed, ignoring the concerned looks A-Qing gave him while she combed out his long hair. After dismissing her, he oscillated between his bed and the divan, trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep. He stubbornly refused to acknowledge how he had become used to falling asleep in Lan Zhan's arms. Giving up on sleep, he settled on sitting at the small table. His head lay atop his arms and he was staring glumly at the flickering lantern when he heard a light knock on the door.

A-Qing entered carrying a small bowl. "You didn't eat much at dinner. I thought your empty stomach might be keeping you up."

Wei Ying shook his head. "It's not my empty stomach keeping me up," he said with a sigh.

"Hmm," A-Qing nodded knowingly.

"I hate that he's angry at me," Wei Ying grumbled under his breath. "I'm just trying to help and make things easier for him."

"By pushing his majesty out of your bed?"

"I did not..." Wei Ying stopped and glared at his servant.

A-Qing set the bowl of rice porridge down in front of him. "Eat this," she insisted.

With a huff he picked up the spoon and proceeded to eat a few small mouthfuls. After his third spoonful he pushed the bowl away. "It's not like I enjoy having to share Lan Zhan," he said. His insides curdled with the thought that the alpha was currently lying in the warm embrace of another. He hoped it was Xiao Xingchen that Lan Zhan was with or even Ouyang Zizhen, at least that would be more palpable than seeing him with any of the other omegas.

"If you don't enjoy it, then why did you push the emperor away?" A-Qing questioned.

Wei Ying shrugged. There were so many reasons and he didn't know where to begin.

"You let the second attendant's words get to you," A-Qing supplied.

"Su She is a miserable little lout," Wei Ying grumbled.

"But you let his words infect you," she stated, bluntly.  "You saw how upset and angry he was when he complained about you taking up all of the emperor's time and you started to think that the Noble Consort Xingchen might feel the same way."

"Xiao Xingchen is one of the kindest souls I've ever met."

"So, you decided you don't mind sharing your toy with your friend?"

"Lan Zhan is not a toy!" he said, giving A-Qing a hard stare.

"I'm glad you realize he isn't. Perhaps you should tell him that," she said, pointedly.

Wei Ying frowned. "The empress dowager hates me and so do most of the other harem omegas. I'm of no use to Lan Zhan without a clan behind me."

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