Chapter 34 - Fire and Festivities

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A/N:  Sorry, fighting the most terrible cold ever and haven't had a chance to respond to comments. I did read them all and am truly grateful.

Chapter 34

When Wei Wuxian stumbled for the third time in less than a quarter of a sichen, Wen Ning knew there was something wrong.

"Are you alright?" he asked, hands reaching out to the omega to steady him. He gasped when his hands closed around Wei Wuxian's clothed forearms. "You're burning!"

Wei Wuxian's gaze was unfocused for a moment, flashing silver before they returned to their normal colour.

Dread filled Wen Ning's chest as the sweet scent of moonflowers infused the air around them. The only thing he was currently thankful for was that they were out of the caves and in the open. However, this did not mean the Wen alpha guards wouldn't notice the scent of an omega in heat.

Wei Wuxian swore under his breath. "I can keep going," the omega said through gritted teeth. Hunched over with a hand over his stomach, he shut his eyes for a moment and let out a pained groan. Sweat was dripping down his nose and onto the dead grass, settling on the yellowed blades before being absorbed into the greedy soil beneath them.

"Okay," Wen Ning said, keeping his voice steady and calm. "Let's get you somewhere safe." His mind was racing trying to find a solution. Hiding in a cave was a death sentence since the alphas on their tail would be led straight to them by Wei Wuxian's scent. He pictured the map of the surrounding area and tried to define their location. It was still at least a week's worth of travel by foot to reach Gusu. The state of Wen was behind them and they were currently in Jin territory, right along the border of the two states, although he highly doubted that would stop the Wen alphas from pursuing them. There were mountains and caves to the south and east of them, forests to the west and a lake to the north.

Wen Ning maneuvered the omega so he was standing upright. He took Wei Wuxian's arm over his shoulders and wrapped his arm securely around the omega's waist. He set a quick pace from the onset and was relieved the omega was able keep up. "We need to head north," he conveyed, trying to distract Wei Wuxian from the pain he was feeling. "There's a small fishing village, where we can steal a boat."

He knew Wei Wuxian was falling further into his heat when his words were met with silence. Usually, the omega would have made a witty remark about what the emperor would think about two of his subjects stealing a boat from poor fishing folk.

They managed to cover half the distance before Wei Wuxian's scent became stronger and he doubled over in pain. Wen Ning knew he needed to conserve his energy in case they were attacked, but right now it was imperative to get Wei Wuxian to the fishing village before his heat hit him in full. He drew his sword and mounted it, holding the omega securely in front of him and prayed Wei Wuxian was conscious enough to remain still. The emperor would be terribly put out with him if he let the omega fall off his sword.

Again, he thanked the heavens above that the skies were darkening and both of them were clad in black. When he finally landed them near the docks of the fishing village, it was deserted. The villagers, who were up since before dawn were back in their homes after a long day of fishing.

With the knowledge that the omega would need his privacy, Wen Ning surveyed the boats along the dock. His eyes fell upon a larger boat, one with a cabin and a sail, that likely belonged to a merchant and not one of the poor fishing folk. He wondered if the emperor would consider it less of a crime if he stole from the rich and not the poor.

"We're almost there," he murmured quietly when Wei Wuxian let out a muffled groan.

He carefully helped the omega onto the boat and into the cabin to lie down. "I'm going to close the door behind me. I won't open it again," he promised, dabbing at the sweat on Wei Wuxian's forehead who was now beginning to whimper. He ignored the omega's hand that was slowly inching down his stomach towards the area where he needed the most relief. Wen Ning quickly pulled out some water and poured some into Wei Wuxian's mouth. Then when he was sure the concubine was hydrated enough, he made sure to place the flask and their remaining rations near the omega.

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