Chapter 25 - Harmony and Hope

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A/N:  I wanted to share with you a comment from another site for chapter 22.  I found it an interesting comment as so many were so angry with Lan Zhan at the end of the chapter.

Here is the comment:

I'm trying to put my mind back in the time where harem was considered normal and it was just how it is.

Now, I'm probably gonna go against the grain here and say that Wei Ying is the asshole. Not fully; but he's the cause of this misunderstanding.

Even now, how can you trust someone that tells you nothing. If someone says to just trust them, I just couldn't do it.  The palace is a place for treachery and schemes in the shadow. The emperor does not have the capacity to just trust someone by there words alone.

There was a reason that males that were not eunuchs were not permitted to be around the Royal harem; to avoid things like this. It may or may not be a misunderstanding, but that's not how it would look from onlookers.

Wei Ying refuses to explain anything, or give Lan Zhan a smither of assurance. Lan Zhan went against the grain and made a lot of exceptions for the sake of his love for him - and Wei Ying isn't giving much back in that regards. Exhibit 1 is now biting in the ass and giving those snake and weasel like Consorts ammunition.

Yeah, we readers know why Wei Ying isn't saying anything, but what if we didn't know, and this was written like an unreliable narrative. We would be pitchforks and armed. Also, we have an attachment to Wei Ying as a person from the canon. We know he's been through a lot and knows he means well, and that he's just a free spirit and unconventional.

I believe there was a part in when his bro asked him if he was happy and if he could stand to live like this. That he knows this isn't like him - and Wei Ying's response was something like when you find your soulmate, you're willing to do anything or home is where they are. So I digress.

I'm sure it will get better, but can you really blame Lan Zhan. He's shouldered with the responsibility of an entire empire. Balancing the powers of the noble that want heirs of their lineage so that they may one day sink their claws and have great power.
Also, he never wanted this. But he didn't have a choice. So Wei Ying new what he was getting himself into to some extent.

I take back my words. I blame Wei Ying 100% and not just somewhat for this situation.
And then you told Lan Zhan that you kissed once and had a crush, but it was nothing. Come on man, what else would it look like with you admitting that and then being tight lipped about whatever afterwords.

True to canon tho Author; the misunderstandings be standing.

Love this tho, can't wait for next chap.

Your thoughts on this comment?

Chapter 25

Their lovemaking had been gentle. After he kissed over every inch of the omega's body he had pulled him on top and made Wei Ying ride him slowly until completion. His hands held and guided the omega, keeping the rhythm of their lovemaking languid but deliberate as he stared up at the beauty above him.

Surprisingly, his wolf had not objected to the slower pace. It seemed content with the unfrenzied and gentle lovemaking. Part of his uninhibited desire for the omega, came from allowing his wolf out when they were together. With Wei Ying he was always able to let go of his restraint and let his desire meld with his wolf's, which often lead to fucking the omega hard until he was crying into the mattress or begging to come, depending on the scenario. However, this time was different. Although the desire was much the same - all encompassing - his wolf hadn't fought him on letting Wei Ying slowly take his pleasure from above.

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