Chapter 28 - Confessions and Restitution

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A/N: Translation Fuqin = father


狐假虎威 Hǔ jiǎ hǔ wēi   A fox will pretend to have the power of a tiger. The story is that a fox followed a tiger in a parade. The animals panicked and the fox claimed that this was because they were frightened of the fox not the tiger. It goes back to the Warring States Period.

无源之水,无本之木 [無源之水無本之木] Wú yuán zhī shuǐ, wú běn zhī mù  A river without a source, a tree without roots.  Something without a proper foundation. Not properly planned.

Explanation of the Cold Palace: A palace of disrepair where shunned concubines were sent to live in conditions that were worse than that of a servant.

Chapter 28

Under the cover of darkness, Noble Consort Wanyin arrived to the Hall of Ancestral Benevolence. He pushed back the hood of his cloak only after the doors were closed behind him. It was warm in the hall, far too warm with all of the candles lit, and he immediately regretted being there. He undid the tie of his cloak and slid it from his shoulders. While folding it meticulously over his arm, he crinkled his nose at the overwhelming use of incense, and once again wondered why he was here.

When Xue Yang sent a message to meet, he replied that he would not be leaving his palace for the evening. The consort then sent the servant back with a jade hairpin that signified it was a delicate situation of utmost importance. Jiang Wanyin reluctantly agreed to meet later in the night, and only after hearing from his own servants that the emperor had already retired with the first attendant for the night, did he venture out.

He found Xue Yang kneeling in front of the ancestral tablets in prayer. He rolled his eyes annoyed with the consort's phony piousness. "What is it that couldn't wait until tomorrow?" He set his cloak down on the chair that was usually reserved for the empress dowager.

There was fear on Xue Yang's face when he stood and turned towards him. "His majesty is suspicious with what happened with Su She."

"His decree stated Su She reverted to his feral state," Jiang Wanyin said, annoyed that the consort had called him out to discuss this.

"Then why did his majesty have people search all the palaces?"

Jiang Wanyin's eyes darted around nervously. He knew that the poison would be found in Su She's system, but he also knew there was nothing to tie him to the poisoning. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he replied.

"Xiao-yi escaped," Xue Yang's voice trembled. "What if they find her and she tells the emperor everything. She was the one that made the lotus pastries and told Su She she was bringing them to Wei Wuxian."

Jiang Wanyin felt fear grip his insides before he reminded himself that even if they found the servant, there was still no link to him. "Xue Yang, you are speaking gibberish," he said, eyes still darting around the hall. "I don't understand a word of what you are saying."

Desperation leaked from the consort's every pore, accentuated when he lunged forward and gripped his arm. "You must help me!" Xue Yang implored.

Jian Wanyin twisted his arm to release himself of the consorts grasp and took a step away from him. "And why would I need to help you?"

"It was your idea," Xue Yang whined.

Jiang Wanyin glared at him. "Watch what you say," he threatened. With his position and his clan's power the consort's family didn't stand a chance if they crossed him.

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