Prologue 彡★ Reincarnation

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ran as fast as I could. I couldn't tell where I was. Everything was dark. How did I even get this deep? The woods aren't usually this dense. Me and Madison always played in these woods. Something was wrong, this wasn't how it normally was.


They only response I received was my own voice echoing. My heart pounded in my chest. My legs ached, but I couldn't stop.

There were branches snapping in the distance. The trees swaying as the wind began picking up. If i couldn't find Madison and get out of these woods, we'd be stuck in here with a storm.

I knew this was a bad idea. If only I was more insistent on staying home, we wouldn't have came here. The forecast had called for a possible hurricane, Madison didn't believe it and drug us both out here.

I took deep raged breaths in as I continued running. At this point I wasn't even sure if I was still in the woods. There was no possible way the woods were this big. We'd been in these woods almost everyday picking berries and flowers.

Eventually I came across a clearing. There was a lake. I looked up at the sky. It was dark and the clouds were greyer than they've ever been. In the distance thunder rolled in the sky.

I need to find shelter fast. I looked around to see if I can spot anything that looked remotely like shelter, but there nothing.

My attention turned back to the lake. Something about this lake seemed wrong, but what? I take a step towards the lake. The water looked so pretty. In the distance a flash of light lit up the sky followed by a loud boom of thunder.

I blinked my eyes, and looked at my reflection in the lake. The water seemed sparkly. My light blue eyes stared back at me, my long black hair was messy.

I looked down at my black pants. There were new holes covering them. My shirt was also torn. There were scratches littering my arms and legs.

It wouldn't hurt to clean myself up a bit before the storm happened right? I mean it would be better to do it now and then make a shelter.

I kneeled down onto my knees and leaned forward to the lake. As I did so, the wind picked up even more, leaves and sticks were being lifted into the air and thrown around like they were nothing. The trees swayed loudly in the sky.

I didn't pay any attention to the raging winds or the rain that had began falling from the sky. My mind was focused on one thing only; the lake.

I leaned forward to scoop u p some water into my hands, but before my hands could even touch the water, I felt a pair of hands on my back. I turned my head quickly and caught a glimpse of long blonde hair before I was under water.

The coldness of the water took my breath away from me and I choked on the water. I fought as hard as I could, but I knew deep down that there was no use.

As the air left my body, my eyes closed and I felt my body go limp. Soon, everything was numb and I felt like I was floating.

My mind went blank and I lost consciousness.



?? : "Is she dead? "

???? : "No. Well hopefully not. Im pretty sure I got to her before she died. "

??? : "She is breathing right? I mean that's what alive people do, breath. "

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