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Lunar: "Head of the planning committee is right inside of gere." I turn to face Twilight. "But I should tell you that she's a bit... Well, Hyperactive."

I take a deep breath and open the gymnasium door signalling for Twilight to go inside. I follow in behind her.

Pinkie Pie: "Incoming!" Pinkie breathes in and blows into a balloon.

Twilight Sparkle: "Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and... Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkies's balloon deflates.

Pinkie Pie: She gasps. "Are you psychic?!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Uh, no. I don't think so. Unless of course that's something you can do here."

Pinkie Pie: She sighs. "Not usually."

Lunar: "Pinkie. Um well there's something Twilight here would like to ask you."

Twilight Sparkle: "Well um. I want to sign up for the Fall Formal Princess. Fluttershy said I was to talk to you."

Pinkie Pie: "Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole "shy" thing fool you. She can be a real meanie."

Twilight Sparkle: "You two aren't friends?"

Lunar: Twilight looks at me and I shrug. I lean into her, "I don't know why they aren't friends either."

Pinkie Pie: "Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow."

Twilight Sparkle: "I'm brand new here."

Pinkie Pie: "Oooh! I thought you didn't look familiar. Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?"

I look at Pinkiepie in confusion. If there's one thing I've learned about this girl it is to never ever under any circumstances, question her.

Twilight Sparkle: "Uh, maybe?"

Pinkie Pie: "Thought so. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown."

Twilight signs her name onto the paper and hands it back to Pinkiepie.

Pinkie Pie: "Wow! You have really bad handwriting. It's like you've never held a pen before."

Twilight Sparkle: She let's out a nervous laughter. "Is it?"

Pinkie Pie: She turns to look at me. "So Lunar, are you also signing up for the Princess?"

Lunar: I shake my head. "No no. This year I'm just focusing on the things I've got to do. Plus I'm here to help Twilight here out."

Pinkie Pie: "Ah are you almost finished with the last banner?"

Lunar: "Almost. Just got a few more things to do to it then I'll be done."

As I'm talking with Pinkie, the gymnasium doors are pushed open.

Applejack: "Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?"

Pinkie Pie: "Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!"

Applejack: She looks over to her brother. "Can you bring in the rest?"

Big McIntosh: "Eeyup."

Applejack: Applejack looks at Twilight. "Hey, I know you."

Twilight Sparkle: "You do?"

My Little Pony Equstria Girls (A New Timeline) HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now