*chapter 7*

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My eyes are locked. I don't know why but I can't tear my eyes away from this girl I've just met not because she's pretty, well she is, but it the fact that I don't have the typical 'butterflies' and my mind doesn't fog up when she laughs, or speaks or does anything. She's shooting an arrow at a target at the same however, the arrow flies left and right defying any sort of physic laws I was ever taught.

 I feel a sharp stabbing pain on my left leg. As I looked down, I was blinded by a harsh glint from a reflective coating but i squinted my eyes and endured through the light and saw a golden nib jabbing into my leg. 

She just shot me.

I looked back up at Sam and this time it wasn't a stare of observation but complete shock like this woman just stabbed me. She suddenly snapped out of her friendly act and realised why I looked like I had a sword through my chest.

"Oh my god... I'm so, so , so , so , so, so sorry." She apologised profusely, smiling awkwardly. I just stare at her dark blue eyes. 

I yanked the arrow nib out of my leg and lifted it up into the air to reveal its magnificent designs. It was scattered with roses and a flowing  solid silver vine wrapped around the handle. At the end, it had a intricate nib being roughly textured and having a silhouette of two angels having their hands pressed up against what looked like a piece of blue sapphire which radiated in the fluorescent light which filled the hall.

That's when I realised the gold was stained by what looked like a dark red liquid which flowed slowly off the point. How did I not realise before? That was my blood.

My gaze fell back onto her but this time with a hint of anger which then killed the idea of her being 'right for me' right then and there. I swiftly jammed the arrow down in the table which was then followed by a loud crash and echo as plates and cups jumped from the surface and hit the floor. I then turned my back to her and marched towards the exit even though my leg was throbbing with the pain. 

When I reached the door I took one more look back into the hall and saw a crowd of stunned faces including Sam. The one who stood out the most though was Omin's it was a mangled mess of shock, admiration, confusion and a foreign emotion I cant quite decipher. Those green eyes which looked so proud staring at me with a side smirk on his face.

I ripped open the door and stormed out, I couldn't help but smile while walking out.

That was the first time I ever stood up to someone.

I walked out that door, although, this time I was no longer met with a long,  bland, metallic hallway but two doorways one marked with the words boys and the other mark with words girls.

"What the fuck?" I muttered.

Curious, I entered the door under the boys sign. As i walked through the doorframe, an icicle the size of my head skidded past my ear crashing into the wall. This whole place is a massacre of surprises isn't it? In front of me was another boy , he looked around the same age as me maybe older, but his appearance was completely different. His eyes were a pale blue hinted with slivers of grey which for some reason perfectly complimented his cold shaded white hair which was tied back into a bun. His pale complexion also fit his clothing , being clothed in a dark purple casual hoodie and black tracksuits which look like they were scratched by a horde of vultures.

Moreover, even though he'd nearly put me to death he didn't differ in his emotions he still struck me with the same cold gaze he'd given me when I'd entered this place.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed "You nearly killed me." I shouted, this time a touch more bitterly.

"Wilson," he stated.
I stared back.
"You really want to do introductions after you nearly killed me." I explained, he just stared at me waiting for a response, "Fine, Grayson, Grayson Krooked." I blurted out sarcastically.

He turned away slowly and started walking amongst the doors which checkered the wooden walls.

"Come with me then, and hurry up we don't have time to dawdle..." He led on.

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