*chapter 8*

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Levi had just stormed out of the hall when I heard a loud bang from the far right corner of the room. I turned around to see a table which had collapsed and a crowd surrounding something in the centre. Sam who had just been in a state of absolute shock also swiftly jolted her head towards the racket, this time instead of a stare of regret it looked like a stare of unnerve. But still, I couldn't make out what they were all looking at. This was when an alarm echoed the hall and everyone started rushing away from the tables and into the opposite corner. What was left behind was a shorter guy who looked like he was my age but I couldn't see his face as it was pinned to the floor looking at what seemed like a pile of rubble but it looked almost melted, one slack of stone drooling over another like a thick custard but he didn't differ in his body movement. He just stood there, like stone.

"Oops." The guy stood up facing the growing crowd, brushing his hands on his tracksuits leaving a dark residue. His hand covered in what appears to be ash.

A soft cackle erupted from the crowd. I turned to the noise to see a boy laughing clutching his tummy, his matching clothes, oversized and his hair is bleach blonde and messy. He looks up,

"Axel you idiot, thats my bed." His accent hinting with Scottish, he comes closer to the remainders of his bed and laughs even harder. 

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my throat. Both boys faced me, looking at them side by side really shows their differences, the boy named Axel, has warm features, ginger hair with blonde streaks, rosy cheeks and hes got ash all over his face, hands and clothes. 

"Didn't know we have newbies." Axel said looking at me with curiosity, "Say Wilson, what class do you think hes in?"

"Class?" Is this a school?

"Oh right he hasn't had 'the test' yet" Im assuming the blonde guys named Wilson says.

A screeching static filled the room and everyone clutched their  ears as moans and cries echoed the hall. 

Luca voice overlapped the screeches, "Can our newcomers please follow the lighted path." The screeches stop and everyone turns to face me, only then did I realise that Levi, another man that came with me was behind Wilson looking a thousand shades of pissed.

Im hallucinating aren't I? Luca wasn't joking, there is an actual path lighting up and floating on the concrete floor, illuminating in a flourescent sky blue. 

"Can you see this?" I face everyone, my voice cracking up. 

They all look at each other and start laughing, they are laughing at me like i'm the crazy one. Maybe I am, I haven't slept in over 24 hours and this all could be a massive dream.

Before I know it, someone clutches the back of my backpack and drags me toward the path. Before I can even yell, Levi mutters under his breath,

"You're not crazy kid, I can see it too." 

We keep on walking, Levi still clutching on my backpack, the path stops a grand metal door with a keypad connected glowing in a light blue numbers. Footsteps come from our right and thats when I see Raya coming closer looking straight at the floor and behind her Grayson, hands in his pocket looking unkept but still charming somehow.

The door swung open revealing cheerful Luca with open arms,

"Well isn't it my favourite people, anywho how's your ears? Still ringing?" He asks grinning ear to ear.

"What was that ringing? And that path that led me here?" Words were spewing at me like vomit. Speaking of which, I think i'm going to puke.

"Ah, the frequency," He thinks to himself for a moment before finding some conclusion " Walk with me." 

By the time he turned around, The doors swung open but instead of revealing a hallway, it revealed a broom closet. 

Luca walked up and faced us, "Do I need to press this again."  He points to the red button and we all went in, I don't know what the red button does but I don't want to find out. 

I squeeze in last. I have no room barely fitting between the wall and..Grayson. Im facing him, we are about 2cm apart and I cant move. He clears his throat and all of a sudden the room increases by 100 degrees. 

"Brace yourselves." 

The room shakes causing me to fall forwards but I feel this grip pull me forward and I land on Graysons shoulder. 

I need to get up,

 need to get up, 

  get up.

I pull back but something stops me as it tugs my neck.

Our necklaces are stuck together.

"Shit." He mutters under his breath as he starts tugging at the knot. So much so, my head jolts forward.

"Careful,  you're going to break them." He chuckles at my response.

"I don't care about yours, it's useless, mine probably costs more than your car." 

I don't have a car.

I look at him at he keeps tugging when lights shoots up in between us, blinding me for a second. I open my eyes to see a burn mark through the roof of the closet.

Thats when I see Grayson looking down at his hands which are covered in what used to be his necklace now is a pile of rubble.

He faces up, His glossy eyes staring me down as I gulp my non existing saliva.

"Im so sor-" 

The floor opens up as all us fall in an endless pit, or not so endless as I hit a soft mat.

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