*chapter 12*

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I fell to my knees. My hands and legs were shaking violently. My head is killing me as it pounds ruthlessly. My eyes filled up like endless wells, I can't stop them from falling. I'm so useless, I couldn't do anything against that monster. How could I ever look at Raya again after I failed her so miserably to the point where she was reduced to that? I'm so sorry.

Behind me I heard a loud slam from the door and footsteps carefully approaching towards me. I wanted to tell them to go away, to leave me alone. But they didn't falter and instead kept pacing towards me. Yet, I still couldn't tell who it was especially with my fogged up vision. Even so, I could still make out the faint blur of a figure approaching.

A voice echoed in the hall, it was so calm and cooling. I didn't know to react. After, a while with no response, the figure lightly sat down next to me and it invoked a sense of warmth and hope. After roughly 5 minutes, my breathing had halted and the tears once stained my cheeks had dried up. Now my surroundings were clearer, like a heavy fog had lifted from my gaze.

"I- I'm sorry..."

Those were the only words i could force out, seeing as a complete stranger had just seen me in such a state.

"No, no don't say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for,"

My body had just enough energy to now turn to face this person. She looked similar in age to me and was wearing some sage green garments which rapped her figure and her hair. My thoughts were still slightly fuzzy however so that was most of what I could've remembered.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, I know I'm a stranger to you, but let me at least lead you to your dorm room I'd feel awful if u didn't at least do that."

I guess that sense of warmth I felt really does match her personality. I managed a slight smile and a weak nod in agreement. When I had finally regained my composure we started tracing down the hall when we approached two glowing gates , one shining a mellow state of blue and one shining a bright shade of peony purple.

"Oh my, I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry but I won't be able to lead you all the way there, but if you just go through the blue gate and find the door with your initials and name on you'll be fine."

"Thank you..."
My voice rasped out a faint piece of gratitude and I past through the blue gate. The doors were boring to say the least, they were simply made out of a white silver material and had a glowing emblem of people initials. Eventually, after an annoying stroll I found my door. The large letters O.P were glowing a light gold on the door . Beneath it however, were two more initials: G.K and a small inscribed name, Grayson Krooked . I guess I'm sharing this room but of course it had to be with the one person who wrenched me by the throat within the first 15 minutes of meeting me.

My trance was interrupted when a loud buzzing sound came from a small camera which sat at the door frame. In a blink of eye the door had already swung open to reveal the stunning interior. It looked like worlds clashing against each other, a rustic scenery of endless bookcases lined with a dark oak exterior  and a crackling fireplace on the floor , in a way it was kind of uneasy seeing such a lovely space , lifeless, sterile but also neat and cozy. My first few steps into that room were like an awakening , an indoctrination, feeling that warm meet the cold of the metallic corridors and the redolent smell of char flickering of the glowing coals, it was electrifying to say the least. It reminded me of home, in the mountains. The tears had started again, knowing that I could only reminisce over the memories of home, knowing that I could never return and the closest I could get was what, a replica?

Damn it, if it couldn't even of gotten worse the sudden remembrance also made me realise I had forgotten to get that girls name. I'm sure I'm going to see her again though especially if her kindness repays her eventually. At this point, I need to try and get some rest, I have a feeling my days not over yet...

-2 hours later-
The warm water flowed against my skin. After a while of not having anywhere to stay, I needed a shower desperately ,this was such a relief. The glass was steamed up so much I couldn't see anything past it like they were an opaque wall. The bubbles which endeavoured down towards the floor had to scourge round my body like they were in a maze. I turned off the water and slipped out of the shower while also reaching for one of the towels I had previously hung up. Like I'd be able to see them anyway , the whole bathroom was fogged up. When I had rapped the towel around my waist, the mirror had almost completely cleared.

I stared back at my reflection, my curls being weighed down my the tons of water I must've used which also darkened their complexion. Slowly, I opened the door to see if Grayson had entered our room while I was in the shower , still , the room was empty. I exited the bathroom with a trail of steam following me and of course I had to be stupid and leave my change of clothes of the coffee table a floor below. I grabbed the railing of the staircase and jogged down the stairs so I could really quickly snatch my clothes and sprint back up to the bathroom to change. However, as I turned my back to the door I heard it swing open and slam back up against the frame once again. I was stuck in my spot. Who the hell is behind me ?

I slowly spun around to look back and of course there was Grayson , eyes wide open blatantly staring at me frozen, shirtless looking like a stunned duck.

The Blessed OminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon