The bridge

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I've been walking the boardwalk waiting for the guys to get here. All day I've been tired, my eyes are killing me, and no matter what I eat I'm starving (I've probably gained 10 pounds in the last few hours). After what felt like forever I heard motorcycles driving up to me.
"Hey, Dawn" I heard Paul call out to me. "Hi, Paul!" I say a little to happy. "Why are you in such a good mood?" I hear Dwayne say.
"I have no idea, I've been feeling like shit all day long." They all look at each other for a second then start laughing." What's so funny guys?"
"It's nothing, do you mind coming back to the cave with us later" David says giving me a toothy smile. "Uh, sure why not."

**** David and the rest of the guys decided to get something to eat before we go back to the cave.
Just like before I walk alone on the boardwalk. I was pacing a concert that was going on, there was at least a hundred or two people dancing to the music. Out of no where I felt a straight pain in my chest. 'Ow, ow' I bent down in agony clenching my chest. "You ok doll?" I look up to see a man looking down at me. For some reason my heart started to pound looking up at him. I became really thirsty. I could strangely hear his pulse. All the blood going threw his veins. I knew what was wrong with me I wanted. What I wanted. I wanted blood. I wanted to drink this guys blood."Seriously, you don't look to good." The man kept talking to me. "Hey what are you doing?" All I did was walk towards him. As I'm about to grab him.. "Dawn stop!" I turn away from the guy to see Star standing there with a worried look on her face. "Come on the guys are waiting for us" she says grabbing my arm walking away. Why did I act that way? Why did I want his Blood?

***** eventually we see the guys. "Dawn what have you been doing, we've been looking all over for you?" Marko says looking into my eyes. "Uuuhhh, nothing" I don't want to tell them. I didn't want to freak them out that I wanted to drink some strange guys blood. "Any ways lets go." David says grabbing my arm and pulling me onto his motorcycle. " Star, you stay here and look out for Michael." He says to her and gives her a wink. "Who's Michael?" I ask David. "No one" was all he said before he started his motorcycle and we took off. But I notice something on his cheek. Something red. But he wiped it off before I could tell what it was.

**** we drive up to an old bridge. Looks like trains go threw here. "Perfect timing" David says walking to the middle of the bridge
"What's going on you guys?"
"Dawn wants to know what's going on. Marko, what's going on?" David says to Marko. "I don't know. What's going on Paul?"
"Wait a minute who wants know?"
"Dawn wants to know" says Dwayne. There teasing me 😤. "Seriously you guys." It's not safe to be on rail roads. Especially at night. "I think Dawn wants to know" David says looking over at Marko "Marko." When he says this Marko looks at me and says "goodnight Dawn" right before he jumps off the bridge yelling "bombs away!". What the hell are they doing!!! David looks at me and starts to laugh. Then Paul snaps his fingers and jumps off, then goes Dwayne. David looks at me "come with us Dawn." Then he jumps off too. I look over and see them hanging from the bottom of the bridge. They start howling and laughing as if this isn't the most stupidest thing anyone in there right minds could do. "Come on down!"
"Come on Dawn!"
And for some reason I did. I climbed down there with them. As soon as I do, a train starts to go over us. The whole bridge starts to shake. "Hold on!" David yells. Everyone is still laughing as if this is fun. I started to scream my lungs out. "Don't be scared Dawn," Marko yells.
The guys still yelling start to fall. First Paul, Marko, then Dwayne.
"Come on Dawn! Your one of us! Let go!" David yells to me before falling himself.
"DAAVVIIDD" I yell scared for my life. Finally the train passes and I'm stuck there hanging. But I hear a faint laughter and my name coming from below. I keep hearing it. "DAAAAWWN"
"Cooome on Dawn" am I going crazy. No way their still alive. They fell like a hundred feet. After a minute or two my hands start to slip. "No no no, please." I whisper this. Then I fall.

**** I wake up in my bed. 'What the fuck' I was falling off the bridge. How am I here? How am I alive? As usual my eyes hurt and I'm starving.
"Dawn! I'm really sick of doing this." This time in stead of yelling it up the stairs like she usually does she's in my room. "Dawn, all you do lately is sleep all day and your out all night. What have you been doing?"
"Nothing, can you hand me my sunglasses."
"Sure, cause you need sunglasses in doors."
"Please grandma"
"Fine" she hands me my glasses and my eyes are finally ok.
"Now, are you going to tell me what you been doing" she looks at me and I can tell she's concerned.
"It's nothing grandma. I'm just having fun"
She sighs and looks at me." Have you made friends?"
"Fine, but don't stay up to late anymore ok?"
Then she leaves the room. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. David and the guys are starting to scare me. With what happened on the bridge last night.
I scared someone will get hurt or worse.

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