Their true selves

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Sorry about the slow update I've just been busy lately. 😁

It's been a few days since I've seen the guys. My grandma has been keeping me from going out because how late I've been staying out and not telling her where I've been going. I miss them the guys.Especially, One guy in particular.

I've been thinking about him nonstop. How hot he looks on his motorcycle. His laugh. The way he looks at me. His bad boy attitude. I don't know what's happening anymore. Plus I have this awful hunger that I just can't fill. No matter what I eat. Whenever I try to go outside my eyes feel like they might fall out. My headaches make my head want to explode. My grandma also says I've had the worst attitude she's ever seen and if I don't stop she'll slap the hell out of me. The strange thing was that it went away only at night then returned on the morning. Omg, It sounds like I'm a vampire or something

One night, after a week of not seeing the guys my grandma went out on a date with our weird neighbor (Gross) . It was a gloomy night. I could hear the raindrops banging on the roof and windows. The thunder rumbled. I was hanging around when the house started to shake. The windows started to crack and little. Furniture moved from its original place. Glasses falling to the ground and the sound of ... motorcycles? "Come on Dawn" it sounded like David. "What the hell are those psychos doing" I ran outside to see David and the guys sitting on their bikes. They didn't look like their happy selves. They looked menacing. Like they were ready to kill.

"H-Hey g-guys" I started to stutter "w-what's going on? You look like your going to kill me." I say trying to lighten the mood with a joke.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Marko snapped at me. Looking like he wanted to literally KILL me. "We've been looking for you everywhere Dawn, Laddie was getting worried" David said a little calmer but still looking pissed.
"I-Im sorry guys, my grandma wouldn't let me go out the last few days" I say trying not to look as scared as I was. I never seen them act like this before. I failed miserably. "Where is your grandma now?" David says keeping his eyes locked to mine.
"At our neighbors" I say as calmly as possible. Why do they seen so intimidating?

"Well that's no fair, why does she get to have fun while your stuck here all bored?" Paul says showing off his signature smile. He seemed to be the only one not giving me a death glare. "Why don't you sneak out and hang out with us? It's not like she'll notice."

He's right. Why do I have to stay here while she gets to go out and have fun. It's not like I do anything wrong. I do what I'm told. I try to be as good as possible. All I did was hang out with the only friends I have here. Why the hell am I being punished for? "Yeah. Why not, it's not like I have anything to loose" the guys finally stopped glaring at me and had their smiles back on their faces. "All right come on Dawn." David says calmly "Come ride with me Dawn!" Marko says with a cheerful smile. "No ride with me!" Paul says. "She always rides with you its my turn" Marko said glaring at Paul. I started to giggle. I missed theses guys.

Instead of going to the boardwalk we went to a isolated beach. "Where are we guys" they just laughed and started to climb a near by tree. When I got up the tree I noticed that there was people partying on the beach. I was confused why we were there. They were just sitting there staring at them. It was starting to creep me out. "Initiation is over Dawn" I hear David say. "What?" They just laughed weirdly. It was so dark that I couldn't see their faces that only added to the scary atmosphere. "Ha ha, you got me." I said hoping they would stop but they just kept laughing. "Seriously that's enough!". Then that's when it happened. David came out of the shadows and I saw it. His eyes were yellow and his whole face looked different. His teeth looked more like fangs than they were before. I looked around and saw that the others were like that too.

They then flew out of the tree and onto the guys partying on the beach. They started to rip them apart. David bit a guys head (blood squirting everywhere), Marko and Paul started to rip their bodies apart playing with the parts and Dwayne bite a guys throat out. The worst part was them laughing. Smiling like it was the best time of their lives. They were monsters.

I was scared out of my skin. You could probably see my heart beating out of my chest. I was so scared, but I didn't run. For some sick reason. I wanted to stay. I wanted to drink that sweet oozing thick liquid out of them. I tried to hold back as much as I could but it was hard with them yelling and laughing. I could hear them calling me over to join them.

After a minute or so they walked over to me. Their faces back to normal but they had blood covering their mouths and clothes. I was breathing heavily. It was so hard to control myself. I couldn't decide what was worse the fact that my only friends were just killing someone and eating them right in front of my eyes or the fact that I wanted to join in and drink that blood of theirs. David was right in front of me now. "Join us Dawn, never grow old or get sick. You could be young and be with us forever." David said this calmly smiling with his blood filled mouth. I wanted to run away but I also wanted to stay and join them. I couldn't decide. That's when I realized. I was a monster too. A few seconds later, I blacked out.

Who do you think Dawn should fall for ? It would help me a lot if you could maybe vote or something. I can't decide over Marko or David. I would really appreciate it. Thank you 😄

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