9. When things turn bad

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".... Now, he will meet with us for half an hour." Hassan said.

"Did he sound interested?.."

Hassan smiled. "The Chavez-Reynolds name made his ears perk up.." he looked at her. "Are you really ready for this?."


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"Hassan. I am really ready... I'm not some teenage wannabe... I know the drill..."

"Who taught you the ways of the game?.." he asked her as they both made their way to this out of the blue meet.

"Keegan.. mostly... but I had other help too... Nash and the elites..."

"For Keegan to train you he must have really wanted you in the game..."

"He knew that his world was dangerous so he wanted me to be able to protect myself... and when we found out that I was a Chavez-Reynolds he stepped it up.. he knew people would want that bloodline and I needed to defend myself.."

"Yet he physically attacked you and degraded you..." he shook his head.

"Don't do that...He is complex..." she said and looked out of the window.

"Complex?... Charisma you defend this man even after he has physically attacked you.. he emotionally provokes you too... he's a bully Simple as.."
Charisma stayed staring out of the window.


Nash drove towards the airport for him and Keegan to head to Korea and meet with some associates. Nash side eyed him, before he pulled the car over.
"What are you doing we need to get to the airport!..". Keegan said.

"Cut the shit and the pretence... I see you there simmering like a fucking pot on a hob... I know that you know....

Keegan turned his head and looked at his uncle

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Keegan turned his head and looked at his uncle. "Just get us to Korea...

"Naw.. that ain't happening!. I need to know you have my back out there and that ain't gonna happen when you know I...

"FUCKED MY WIFE!.." Keegan snapped suddenly. His eyes narrowed, his lip curled. "My own fucking uncle... I'm sick of the deceit and bullshit from you and that slut!..."

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