20. Please go

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Keegan waited for Charisma back at the house but he soon realised that she wasn't coming as quickly as he had hoped. She never answered her messages either. He looked at his cell and this time called Nash.
It took a second and then. "Nephew... get the fuck off this line!.."

"... I obviously didn't fuck you up enough...

Nash sniggered. "You're a crazy mother fucker Keegan you know that.... you need to get back on yo meds boy...

 you need to get back on yo meds boy

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"What I know is, you... YOU... were up in HER...

"And I thought you were over this shit, aren't you there with her!" Nash said. "or are we going to just keep going over yo own insecurities.."

"... she was mine... you took all that away from me." He said with his teeth gritted.

"You know yo self you should have learned a long time ago how to treat that woman... she is a precious gem who wants and needs to be loved... she is crying out for an honest love with good intentions...and what hurts you more is knowing I would and can give her anything that she wants in a heartbeat...

"Fuck you."

"only this time I was the one to let her go, purely because I knew you wouldn't ever let her go... and let her be free... but I know yo game Keegan... and you won't stop until you've got her completely.. and you know what I'm talking about....which is why I will always be watching you..."

"You don't know shit... Unc... but this shit between me and you it ain't over...

"Oh you're right about that mini ugly... you are so right about that.... you got a shot off but it was the worst move you could ever make... and you know it too... revenge is always best served cold nephew.. and I never forget...

Keegan ended the call as he heard a car pull into the drive. He put his phone on the side as the door opened and Charisma walked in. He looked at her. "I've been calling you...

"And I got your message..." she shrugged. "You wanna call her... why... why dredge up the past?.."

"She is yo child...

"But she might not be yours... and it just gives you even more reason to hate me... but that's what you want isn't it..."

He took a deep breath. "She could be mine and I do have a right to know..."

"You hate me don't you... be honest... everything you said you said through gritted teeth didn't you the night you tied me down and took back what was yours ... I had sex with Nash and that is all you see... and you won't listen to me even if I tell you it didn't even get that far... you're not gonna hear me..." she swallowed hard. "You hurt me earlier and I felt that you really wanted to do that... you're not here because you want us... why don't you have Alana...and why don't you just go.... Go back to Canada... forget about me...

He smiled. "You would like that wouldn't you.. Charisma... you wanna bail on us at the first sign of trouble... all I wanna do is work it out..."

".... I have such a bad feeling... I don't know what you're thinking and I can't connect to you, you're blocking me... you don't want me to connect with you... I don't know what it is that you want... and I don't want to go to war with you... but if you come for me I will..."

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