Chapter 5

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Netherlands and the paddock as well as the garage was already busy with the drivers, the teams, fans and celebrities. Pierre and Jessica met up before walking towards their garages together. Jess has been feeling off the last few weeks but didn't tell Pierre or anyone else. She had missed her last few periods but put that down to the stress she has been under recently. "Okay. Good luck in your practice sessions love." Pierre smiles, gently pecking his wifes lips. "You too baby. Don't have too much fun." the brit laughs before heading into her garage as Pierre walks to his.

"Hey, Jess. Ready for this weekend?" Alex asks as she walks into her share of the garage. "You know it." Jessica smiles, acting like she has done the last few weeks. As if everything is fine when her body really knows something is wrong. It keeps trying to tell her but she ignores it. The waves of nausea, the few spells of sickness every now and then on a morning, her missed periods.

The girl heads to her drivers room where her personal trainer arrives 10 minutes after her. As soon as her warm up was completed, the brown-eyes female McLaren driver feels a wave of dizziness wash over her. She grabs onto the table beside her to steady herself. "You okay Jess?" her personal trainer asks, concerned. "Yeah. Go let Alex know I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'm just going to get a drink of water." Jessica softly smiles. Instead of pushing the situation further, her personal trainer nods and leaves her room, shutting the door behind him.

After taking a few deep breathes, Jessica starts to head over to get some water. However, the dizziness becomes worse and soon her visions becomes too clouded. There was nothing nearby for her to grab onto and when she collapses, it causes a loud crashing sound.

From his drivers room next door, Lando heard the loud crash coming from Jessica's room. He leaves his room and heads to hears to see what the commotion was. "Jess?" he calls when knocking on the door but doesn't get an answer. He knocks a few more times and still gets no response. Upon opening the door, he is met with an unconscious Jessica on the ground. "On my god, Jess!" the Bristol boy says, rushing to her side. "Can I get some help in here!" he calls out the room and quickly some of the McLaren personnel come rushing in.

"Alex, go get Pierre." Lando tells Jess' head engineer who nods and rushes to the Alpine garage. "Pierre, we need you now!" Alex calls to the older french driver. "What's going on?" Bruno Famin, Alpine's team principal asks as Pierre emerges from his garage. "It's Jessica. She's collapsed." Alex says catching his breath. "Pierre, go. Your wife is more important right now than Free Practice. Someone can fill in for you this weekend and we'll release a statement explaining your missing this race due to family matters." Bruno explains but Pierre had already ran off down the pitlane towards the McLaren garage.

He runs through the garage and to Jessica's drivers room where the medics had already arrived and were inside assessing her. "Mate, I don't know what happened. I was in my drivers room finishing my preparation when I heard a loud bang. Next thing, I find her unconscious on the floor." Lando says, panicked at the situation. "Lan, relax. I'm glad you got to her straight away otherwise this could be worse." Pierre reassures the younger driver. Lando takes a deep breath before nodding.

The frenchman heads into the girls room and crouches down beside her. "We're going to take her to the medical center but she may have to go to the hospital. We don't know why she's collapsed as of right now, Pierre." the head medic explains. All the alpine driver can do is nod at the information before picking his wife up in his arms and carrying her out the back of the garage where the ambulance is waiting.

The painful silence of the ride was enough to cause Pierre's heart to ache. "Come on baby. Open your eyes, please." Pierre pleads, taking Jess' hand into his. Arriving at the medica center, Jessica is taken into a separate room for a few tests while Pierre waits outside. "Pierre, she's waking up if you want to go in and I can explain the brief stuff." the onsite doctor smiles and Pierre lets out a relieved breath. The room was painted in cream paint and bright lights filled the room. "Hey baby." Pierre frowns walking into the room. "Hi. Thank god you're here. But, why aren't you driving?" Jess asks as Pierre sits beside her. "You're more important my love. You come first." Pierre says, kissing her hand.

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