Chapter 1: The New Era

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Liu Kang: Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keeper of Time, my next task was to restart history. Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. It was with Humility and restraint that I approached this blank canvas. After careful preparation, I began work. Painting over the darkness. After eons passed, I sketched out the realms. And after eons more, I brushed them with life. 

In my new era, all beings will have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do will be their responsibility. For my power only permits me to begin this endeavor. It is the duty of mortals to finish it.

We now move on to a crowd who are gathered in front of a merchant kart as their attention is focused on an old man who is speaking to them

???: My friends, your patience is about to be rewarded. For I have saved the best for last. I have recently discovered a cure-all of unrivaled potency. It will soon be on the shelves in every home of Outworld. This elixir is crafted from an ancient recipe. It has Patreon flowers, Margovian nectar, and powdered teeth of an Arktican dragon.

The crowd begins to grow and people who are there are very interested in what the old man has to say as he continues to capture their attention by saying that it also contains powerful magic and how there is a village where everyone in it has purchased this elixir and all their diseases were cured even Tarkat

when the man mentions how the elixir cured Tarkat the crowd gasps in surprise as it is a disease that all of outworld thought could not be cured. The old man is about to continue before he is interrupted by someone in the crowd.


The old man now known as Shang Tsung looks in the direction of the person that called him a liar. The crowd then clears a path for the accuser as a bald muscular man at least 6'2 walks through no doubt slightly intimidating the merchant.

Shang Tsung: I'm sorry. You are?

The man looks down at Shang Tsung and says

???: Someone fool enough to have believed you. My daughter was dying when you came to my farm. You promised a miracle and I gave you all I had. But only days later

The man looks away trying to hold in tears 

???: She was dead

Shang Tsung: (chuckles) That is impossible.

Shang Tsung looks at the crowd trying to ease the tension that has been built up

Shang Tsung: My magic could not have failed her

The man now angry that Shang Tsung even now keeps telling lies raises his voice startling every one especially Shang Tsung


The man then takes the "magic elixir" out of Shang Tsung's hands and throws it on the ground causing it to break as soon as it makes contact with the earth and causing members of the crowd to gasp at the revelation that this elixir was actually just tea.

Shang Tsung: (Stammering) The mage is mistaken, kind sir. My elixirs are of superior quality. Their efficacy is guarantied.

The man then throws the con man into the angry crowd that had formed behind them and they all beat him

(Timeskip to Night)

Thunder strikes and rain poor down as Shang Tsung walks out of his kart and removes his fake hair and long beard and we see that is old man persona is nothing more than a disguise. probably to keep people from finding out who he really is if he ever cons the wrong person.

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