Chapter 8: The Jumping

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(3rd Person POV)

The previously busy streets of Sun Do are now quiet and all that is heard is the sound of fighting. We also see that Mileena, Li-Mei, Tanya, Kitana, and Shao Kahn are knocked out. The sound of swords slashing against each other can be heard which is then followed by the sound of an electrical blast. We then hear Y/N yelling before crashing through a wall.

Y/N: Alright where is back up when you need it I'm getting my ass beat.

His opponents then walk towards the hole in the wall that was just created

Johnny Cage: Y/N please we don't wanna fight. We just wanna talk.

Y/N then gets up coughing a bit before looking at them with a scowl

Y/N: Yea well my unconscious future wife and sister in law say otherwise.

Kung Lao: I know you are upset but we promise we are not your enemy.

Y/N: Oh my goddddd SHUT UP! I AM DONE WITH YOUR LIES!!!!!

Y/N then points his hand at a piece of rubble making it lift into the air before launching itself at Kung Lao forcing him to quickly take his hat off and cut it in half.  Y/N then switches places with Johnny and back hands Kenshi right in his face before stabbing Raiden in the ankle with his sword and throwing him into a wooden pole making him collapse to the floor.

Kung Lao: Raiden!!

Kung Lao then runs over to Y/N and kicks him in the stomach making him stumble. Y/N then quickly recovers and both him and Kung Lao start duking it out. Y/N throws a punch but Kung Lao blocks it and retaliates with a an elbow that Y/N ducks under before delivering a powerful uppercut to his opponent. Y/N then jumps into the air and points his feet straight down ready to land directly on Kung Lao's chest. But he quickly holds off on his attack and turns around throwing a kick which makes contact with an invisible Syzoth sending the Zaterran flying to the ground.

Y/N: Invisibility is illegal in this server bud.

Johnny then runs up to Y/N and using his powers hits Y/N with a mean right hook across the face. Y/N then retaliates with a with a round house that is blocked and he is going to keep up the pressure with an attack with his sword but when he brings it down Johnny manages to catch it in between his palms forcing Y/N to send electricity through it shocking the A-List Movie Star. He then makes the ground underneath Johnny strike him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. Before pointing his finger up into the air making one of the buildings float into the air and launching itself at his current opponents

Johnny: OH SHIT!!! MOVE!!!!

The escaped prisoners and Raiden who is being carried by Kenshi all scatter right as the building crashes down causing a giant dust cloud. And when it clears they are gone leaving Y/N to wonder where they went.

Kenshi: Guys Raiden is loosing a lot of blood. We can't stay here any longer.

Johnny: Yeah well if you have any ideas on how we can get Mr. Surgeon of Death over there off our ass then by all means go ahead.

Syzoth: I might have one actually. 

We now see Y/N walking around looking for the Earthrealmer's when he suddenly is suddenly met face to face with Kenshi. 

Kenshi: This is your last chance Y/N please stand down we are not your enemy.

Y/N: You sound like a broken record. Anyway where's the rest of your buddies?

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