Chapter 7: The Flesh Pits

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(3rd Person POV)

The invaders Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kung Lao, and an eye-less Kenshi are all trapped in a cell with the Tarkatan leader Baraka. Baraka is trying to break the bars hoping to free his him and his new allies but he is not strong enough to and therefore he is just wasting energy.

Kenshi: You've been at that for hours.

Baraka: If you could see then you would know why.

Kenshi then sighs and says "That's not happening, is it?" Referring to the fact that he no longer has eyes thanks to getting into a scuffle with a murderous princess that led to them both getting stabbed.

Kenshi: Keep talking, will you? To keep my mind off this. Tell me about life before you got sick.

Baraka: I was doing well, trading goods up and down the Fartakh coast. My family was comfortable, happy.

He then sighs sadly thinking about the life he once had before his disease.

Baraka: Then Tarkat came. It took my wife, then my children. I think it enjoys ravaging my body more slowly.

Johnny: (Groans) This hangover.

He then looks around and sees that they are in a cell. Then he looks over at Kenshi and gasps remembering what happened to him

Johnny: Goddamnit. How bad's the pain?

Kenshi: Excruciating.

Johnny: You saved me. I won't forget that.

Baraka: But you may just regret it.

Johnny is about to question the Tarkatan but he hears someone screaming. He then finally takes a look outside the cell and sees that they are in a place filled with dismembered bodies electrified cages torture devices and people shouting in pain

Johnny: What in the...When did we take the left turn into survival horror?

Baraka: This is Shang Tsung's real laboratory.

Raiden: We're beneath where we were before. That was a false front.

Johnny: Reminds me of this cheep ass film I did in my early days: The Flesh Pits.

Suddenly they all hear a large wooden door open and through it comes a man wearing green attire with a marking on his left eye

Johnny: Who's that?

Baraka: Our jailer.

The man then walks over to the cell that the invaders are in and asks "How is he".

Johnny: His eyes are gouged out. Guess.

The man then grabs a container of cream off a shelf and gives it to Johnny saying "That will dull the pain"

Johnny then rips a piece of Kenshi's jacket and puts the cream that he got on it before wrapping it across Kenshi's eyes making him give a sigh of relief

Kung Lao: How could you be a part of something like this?

???: You are Shang Tsung's prisoner...I am his slave. He has my family and he'll kill them if I don't obey.

Baraka: Why did he pick you?

???: So he could learn how I shapeshift.

Raiden: We saw him do that. It was unreal.

Johnny: So how does it work? You just shapeshift into anything you want?

???: I can shift only between this and my natural form.

The man then shapeshifts into a humanoid lizard person and then back to his human form surprising all of them.

Baraka: You're Zaterran. Your race can shapeshift?

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