Ch.4 - FANDOM:

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When I saw Sarina again, my excitement was palpable. I was practically vibrating with energy, bouncing off the walls in a frenzy of excitement. And before I knew it, I was regaling her with stories and videos of Ai's performance. It was like all my pent-up excitement had burst forth like a tidal wave, and I couldn't stop talking about her. Sarina listened in rapt attention, clearly fascinated by this new world I was introducing her to.

 Sarina listened in rapt attention, clearly fascinated by this new world I was introducing her to

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SARINA: "Idols?"

KISUKE: "Idols!"

SARINA: "Huh..."

KISUKE: "I'm telling you, they're just incredible! I've never seen anything like them before. Their performances are so vibrant and full of life that you can't help but be swept away. It's like they're not even human, like they've descended from some celestial plane to bless us with their talents. And oh my gosh, their vocals! Their dancing! It's almost too much to handle, but in the best way possible! I could watch them for hours on end. Just... wow!"

My sudden burst of enthusiasm caught Sarina off guard, and she couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. But underneath that amusement was a look of curiosity, as if she was trying to understand why I was so passionate about this seemingly otherworldly group of women. Despite her confusion, she smiled warmly at me, as if to say, 'You're so cute with your excitement.'

SARINA: " like idols now? Who's your favorite?"

KISUKE: "Obviously, it's gotta be Ai! I mean, have you seen her perform? She's just so bright and energetic, it's impossible to look away. Her dancing is so fluid and graceful, and her vocals are just out of this world!"

SARINA: "Ai? I'm sorry, but who is she? I don't think I've heard of her before. What company is she from?"

KISUKE: "Strawberry Productions. I even got the chance to meet her before she appeared on my dad's show yesterday."

SARINA: "Wow, it's not every day you get to meet celebrities like that. This idol, Ai, how was it meeting her in person? Was she really nice?"

KISUKE: "Oh without a doubt! She was really kind in person, I spent all night watching her concert tapes, and now I'm hooked!"

SARINA: *Giggle* "It's nice to see you taking up a new interest. But I can't help but feel a little down, you know?
With everything that's happened, I just haven't been able to get into anything new... I should really try to find something, though. I don't want to stay stuck like this forever. But it's just so hard..."

KISUKE: "Yeah, I'm still very sorry about how your ice skating turned out... It's not fair."

SARINA: "No, don't apologize. It's not your fault that my body doesn't work right..."

KISUKE: "Don't beat yourself up about it, you're much stronger than you think, Sarina."

SARINA: "You think so?"

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