Chapter 4: Zayden

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"Zaydennnnnnn" TT says walking over to me and sitting on my lap.

"Someone's drunk." I say laughing.
"I'm not drunk!"
"You are pissed TT cmon let's get you home" I gently push her off me and stand up.
"Nooooooo i wanna stay here and danceee" She slurs.
"TT you're going to end up dead somewhere if you don't go home."
"That's why i'm not gonna leave i'm staying right here with you Z, now sit back down with me." She grabs my hand and drags me down to sit beside her, she then puts both her legs over mine and she rests her head on my shoulder. "Now you can't leave" And she places a kiss on my cheek.

"Right fine you can stay but only if you don't drink anymore." I'm pretty pissed too but i can handle drink she can't.

"I'm staying and I'm drinking more you can't stop me." She says smugly, i snatch the drink out of her hands and place is on the table beside me so she can't reach, then i proceeded to rest my hand on her upper thigh and stroke it with my thumb.

"Hey! Give me it back!" She tries to reach but fails then decides to give up.

Az and Ev comes in and sits on the sofa facing ours and start to cuddle on it, they both give me a 'told you so' look.

"I'm only being nice to her because she's pissed and I'm also kinda pissed so"

"Zay my feet hurt" TT slurs.
"What do you want me to do abt it, it's not my fault your wearing like 4 inch heels"
"Give me your shoes"
"What am i wearing then"
"Nothing duhhh you have socks i don't"
"Ugh fine" I proceed to unbuckle the straps of her heels and take them off then i take my own shoes off and put them on her feet.
"They are massive on you"
"Big foot" She says laughing at the massive shoes on her tiny feet.

We sit talking with everyone and watch most people leave until it's only me Ev, Az, and TT.

"You know i love you" TT randomly blurted out.
"Trust me no you don't"
"We should be doing that" She points to Ev and Az making out on the other sofa.

"Oh really?" I am starting to get very pissed as i've had like 6 more beers from TT was ontop of me.

"Yeah you know you should make it happen" She smirks at me looking up at me.

I have now realised how beautiful this girl is, the way her face is sculpted so perfectly and the way her dress hugs her beautiful curves so nicely.

I look down at her and smile at her. "What?" I don't say another word and I crash my lips onto hers. The way her mouth moves against mine oh it's perfect. I grab onto the curve of her waist and slip my tongue in her mouth. Sober her will fucking kill me but I don't have a care in the world. She brakes away from the kiss and rests her head on my shoulder and snuggles into me.

Out of breath just say "tired?"
"Want me to take you to bed?"
"Only if you stay with me ZayZay" I smile at the name.
"Of course i'll stay with you Princess, cmon let's get you to bed."
I pick her up bridal style as i stand up, Ev winks at me i give him the middle finger before walking out of the room and going up to my room and i set her on my bed. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a black t shirt. I throw the black t shirt at TT before walking into my ensuite "put it on" I command.

"Wait I need you to unzip me."

I walk back into my room "roll over" she does as told and i unzip her dress for her before going back into the bathroom to change into the tracksuit bottoms. I walk back into my room and I see TT sprawled out on my bed in my t shirt.

"I know you have abs you do not need to show them off" All i can do is laugh when she says that.
"I know you have tits but you didn't have to show them off all night."
"I barely even have tits shut up"
"Every lad was eye fucking you all night so don't even"
"Whatever come cuddle me"
"Say no more"
I jump onto the bed and get under the covers beside her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her head.

"Oh my god wait no!" She said leaping out of the bed and running to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I say getting out of bed, i go into the bathroom and quickly run to her holding her hair back while she's crouched at the toilet throwing her insides up.

Once she's done throwing up she stands up and pushes her head into my chest. "You okay?" "No" "Cmon take your makeup off and then you can go to sleep." "But i don't want toooooooo" She says dragging out the o. "Want me to take it off for you then? You'll hate me tomorrow if i don't make you take it off" "Yeah you do it"

I put the toilet seat down and guide her to sit down on it. I reach to a cupboard and get some face wash and start rubbing it on her soft skin, I then take a flannel and run it under warm water before wiping her face.

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