Chapter 7: Thea

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it is now a week to halloween and me and azzy are in town getting our costumes.

"I really don't think we're gonna find anything in here babe"

"yeah let's leave and go to zay's or something and look on amazon"

"i'll call him"

i quickly call zayden and he picks up fast

"whatcha doinnnn"
"i'll have a driver come pick you up where are you"
"the mall thanks boo"
"your so annoying"

i hang up and we wait outside the mall, once the driver shows up he opens the door for us and we get in beside zay

"TT do you really have to call me any time your bored" he furrows his brows at me

"it was azzy's idea dont shout at me"i say in defence

"to be fair it was my idea"

we get to his house and we walk inside and go to the den and ev is sitting on a sofa scrolling on his phone.

azzy runs and jumps on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around her waist and they start kissing.

"ew" i sit down on the sofa facing them in my spot, i take my shoes off and put my feet up on the sofa and open amazon on my phone looking for a costume.

zay sits down beside me in hit spot but leans over to me with a confused look on his face.

"need something?" i look at him with confusion and a dirty look on my face.

"what are you looking for" he seems disgusted at what i'm searching for on amazon. 'Dalmatian t-shirt' in the search bar.

"My Halloween costume, have a problem?"
"yea i do actually"
"what's your problem exactly?"
"you're being a dog when you very obviously resemble a rat"
i get up from my spot and climb over to his and start to climb on top of him playfully hitting him kind of hard.
"get off me you psycho!"

"you called me a rat there's no way!"

he picks me up by my waist and flips me over to pin me down of the sofa

"i said get. off." he says sternly making me jump a little

"and you're telling me there's no love there?" azzy says pointing her phone at us"

"when i can be bothered to get up again i'll kill you"

"someone's feisty today" ev joins in
"yea are you like on your period or something?" zayden says still pinning me down

"get. the. fuck. off of me! how dare you fucking say that to me you have no right you have no idea how hard it is to be a woman and have to deal with that kind of stuff." i say kicking my feet at his stomach to get him off of me

"jesus christ oh my god okay okay sorry" he says quickly getting off of me and sitting back in his spot.

"yea that's what i thought" i get up and head to the kitchen. i open the drinks fridge and get a sprite and some vodka when zayden walks in.

"i'm really sorry are you okay?" he says with a worried look on his face

"yea i'm fine"
"i know you're not fine"
"i am fine don't worry i just need a drink"
"are you sure?"
"pinky promise?"

he says pinky promise and holds his pinky out knowing that they mean the world to me
"yea i can't pinky promise that"
"see so you aren't fine. i know what a girls 'fine' means you know"
"yea i know you do. i will be good tho once these cramps go away ill be great"
"want a hug?"
"i'm only saying yes cause i just generally need a hug not because i want one from you"

he walks over to me and he wraps his arms around my waist as i wrap mine around his neck and bury my head in his chest and he gives me a kiss on the head. i soak in his amazing smell of cologne that he always smells like. and when i tell you that man smells good i mean that man smells AMAZING.

i don't know why but i actually feel comforted by him and i don't want to leave his embrace. so i don't. we stand there for around a whole minute before he breaks away and asks me once again "are you okay?"

"thank you.."

i think i'm falling on love with zayden wilson.

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