Chapter 6: Zayden

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Everett and I walked into the school canteen at lunch looking for the girls and we see them sitting at our usual table.

"Hey babyy!" Azalliana says giving Ev a kiss.

"Hi darling how was french with miss Galp?" He says laughing knowing we both hate her.

"I'm gonna kill myself" She says as if she's dead inside.

"Ooh I'll join so I don't have to go back to that bitch" Thea say liking the idea.

"Don't be doing that it's too cold for a funeral" I say laughing

"Who says your invited to mine" Thea says confused


"He's literally your boyfriend he kinda has to go" Everett looks as if he's about to burst out laughing.

"Ew no I hate him" I don't know why but it kind of hurt when she said that.

"You know you love me"

"Absolutely not"

She puts her legs on my lap sitting back in her chair and giving me a sweet smile knowing I hate it when she does this, but I don't have the energy to fight with her so I just leave it.

"You not getting food?" The three of us are sitting munching on the schools pasta which is great and TT is sitting there drinking an apple juice.

"Nah not hungry I'll get something when I get home sure i had a sausage roll for break."

"You still need lunch like"

"Nah it's fine I'll probably just get a fifteen"

"Ew ew ew no no no you are not sitting beside me if you're getting one of those you are mank" I can definitely tell that Azzy just got the heebie jeebies from that.

"Okay then I'll just not eat."

We just skipped on from that and started talking shit about anyone and everyone that walked past. 

It is now after lunch and me and TT have PE together, well not together but we have it same period.

We were around fifteen minutes into the lesson when i hear a thud across the sports hall, I turn round and she's on the floor and I run over to her as there's no teacher in the hall for some reason.

I start to shake her shoulders gently "Thea! Thea! Wake up!"

After a minute or 2 she starts to wake up and no one had the sense to go get one of the pe teacher who were in the office 30 steps away.

"What happened?" Thea says wincing in pain as she touches her head.

"Are you okay did you hit your head?"

"Uhm I don't know but my head hurts it feels like i've wacked it off a wall or something"

"You fainted and probably hit your head, want me to phone your dad to start making his way down here while I take you to the office?"

"Yeah please here" She hands me her phone and I text her dad to make his way down to our school.

I lift her bridal style and walk out of the pe hall and go to the pe office to let the teachers know of the situation then I go to the main office.

"Hey Katherine?"

"Hiya sweetheart what's up"

"Thea here's fainted I've already texted her dad and he's on his way done could we get some paracetamol for her she hit her head"

"Awk no you okay Thea?" She gets up and starts walking towards us with a strip of painkillers on her hand.

"Never been better" Thea takes the paracetamol and the water bottle i shove in her hand and takes it.

"Do you want to get back to lesson or sit with Thea while she waits on her dad?"

"Up to you" I look at TT

"Can you stay with me please"

"I'll stay Kathrine"

"Okay honey go on your phone do whatever you know I don't care" She laughs to herself


I take TT and I sit down on the sofa in the office and sit her down beside me and she immediately puts her legs over mine and legs her head on my shoulder, I put my arm around her for comfort.

We sit in silence except from every couple minutes when I ask her if she's okay and she says yea but I have to ask her again to make sure.

The office door opens and Mrs Headly our principle walks in, she absolutely loves TT but hates me and every other student for some reason it's actually quite weird she likes TT.

"Oh Thea what's the matter?" She walks over to us and has a concerned facial expression on her face.

"She fainted in pe so I took her over miss"

"That was very kind of you, what's your name?"

"Zayden, Zayden Wilson"

"You in her class?"

"No miss I'm in the year above, we are friends though. I have pe the same period as her and I was the first to react."

"Where was Mr Evan's? Or Ms Moody?" She's now naming the pe teachers.

"In the office they were having an emergency meeting with the new student teacher or something I don't know"

The door opens again and it's Mr Madden.

"Mr Madden lovely to see you"

"You too Mrs Headly, how have you been?"

"Not too bad but your little Thea isn't doing too well"

"I think she hit her head Lewis" I look down at her she's nearly asleep on my shoulder before I move to stand.

"Oh chicken, come on let's get you home"

"Oh crap I didn't bring her stuff from pe, want me to run round and get it now"

"It's fine I'll email for someone to bring it round now" Mrs Headly offers

"Do you want a lift home son?" Lewis looks at me.

"Would that be alright me leaving and not going to last period?" I look at Mrs Headly and she nods yes.

Mrs headly goes into her office to email about bringing our bags round when I stand up and pick TT up to bring her to the car.

5 minutes later some wee lad comes with our bags and Lewis puts them into the car and drives us home.

"What did you have for lunch chicken?" Lewis looks in the rearview mirror to look at TT.

"Nothing I wasn't hungry but I want pasta now so when we get home and you make me pasta please?"

"Of course I can you probably fainted from not eating anything and doing pe at the same time"

"Yeah maybe"

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