Fresh Meat

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I finally arrived after the longest fucking day at work.  Lyle said he had the talk to me about another Dom in the club and that I had to meet him today.  My guess is that he has a new Dom in the club who either didn't know or respect his rules.  It's stupid because he's been running that place for six years and the rules have been practically the same, with even multiple signs around the club stating them.

I walk in and find Lyle upstairs into the hallway.  Only specific people are allowed to go upstairs.  This floor contains his office, a break room for his staff.  Random shit for the building, and the guest rooms.

The guest rooms are both on the top and ground level floor.  Doms rent these rooms if they want to spend time with one of the subs.  The ground level rooms are typically for only one night, and are constantly being switched to different people.  The rooms upstairs are much better and are pretty much leased to the Doms that come in regularly and have built up a status.  This allows the Dom to customize their room and come and go as they please.  They're basically like hotel rooms. 

I typically have a six month lease on my room, and I've been doing that since Lyle opened the business.  My lease is almost over so I have to pay Lyle for another six months in the room after the meeting.

I walk down the hall and into his office, which is at the end.  The hall is simple, with dark grey paint on the walls and ceiling, with a white trim.  The floor is grey wood.

Each door is grey with a sign that either says 'staff only' or a sign with a Dom's last name on it. 

I walk past my room, number one, and look at my sign.  'Moon' is engraved into the silver plate with black letters on it. 

I look over to see room number three has no sign on it.  "Shit, Nathan must've not renewed his lease."  I mutter.

I finally make my way down the hall into knock on the door.  I hear a grumbled "come in" and I walk inside the office.

Inside the office is nothing special.  It has the same grey and white theme with tinted windows as the back wall.  Towards the back of the room is Lyle's oak wood desk, which he appears to be leaning on.  In some corners and around the desk are some leather chairs.  Lyle was always one for simplicity and I respect him for that.

I walk over the desk and take a good look at the Dom sitting in the chair on my left, who had an aggressive scowl on his face.  He looked slightly younger and had brown hair with a platinum highlight, and he wore a black muscle shirt with ripped skinny jeans and black sneakers.  It's a pretty douchey look in my opinion.

Without taking my eyes off the bastard, I speak to Lyle.  "Who's this guy?" I ask.  Before Lyle could even get a word out, the Dom stood and says, "Go fuck yourself. 

I raised my eyebrow at the disrespect, but kept calm as I knew he was most likely just embarrassed about whatever he did and decided his best option was to act tough.

When he stood up, I noticed he was quite shorter than me; standing at around what looks to be about 5'10", while I was 6'5".  I could tell he also noticed the difference, but pretended it didn't bother him.

Lyle finally sighed and walked towards me.  This is Greg Haphner, and I would like for you to punish him before I ban him from the club.  I turn to him, "I don't do punishments Lyle", I say.  He responds, "Listen I think you'd be the only one who could properly punish him.  The other Doms either feel bad since he's young, or just want nothing to do with the situation."  I pause to think, then ask, "Well what did he do?"  Just as I ask that, I hear a small knock at the door.  Lyle goes to open it, and in pops a small sub.  He was small, standing at possible 5'7", and had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.  He was in a bartender uniform, which made since because the club opens in a hour and staff needs to arrive early to prep everything.  He wore a white collar, which meant he was open for small scenes.  I also noticed that he had a puffy bruise on his left cheek, which seemed to be only a few days old.  He quickly shuffled toward the desk, with a worried expression on his face.  He kept his eyes down once he approached.

"This is Angel," Lyle began, "and he is here because he and Greg had an issue.  Now under normal circumstances I wouldn't let one of my staff in possible harm's way, but with your presence, and with his consent, I thought it would be best for him to be here so you can understand the full picture of what happened."

"Just fucking spit it out Lyle, I would like to go home as soon as I can." I say.  I was starting to lose patience, and I wanted him to stop dragging shit out.

Greg finally began to speak again, "Angel is new and since he didn't know what to expect, Greg here, decided to twist the rules and take as much advantage of Angel as he could.  However, Angel knows the rules, and refused to do a scene with Greg, pissing him off and leading him to fucking punching Angel in the face, and before you ask, authorities are involved, and have given me permission to punish him, due to that being one of the terms in his contract"

Everyone has a sign a contract being becoming a member of the club, and Greg is referring to the policy that allows for a member to be punished, most likely physically, if they break a rule.  By signing this contract you give full consent for this to happen, which basically allows for you to get hurt without a potential lawsuit.  I like it because it gives you what you deserve without any consequences.

I turn back to the sub, and look at his cheek.  It seems like the fucker, Greg, was only able to get one punch in.  "When did this happen?" I ask.  "Only three days ago" Lyle responds.  I find it impressive that the sub was willing to come back into work so short after an incident like this.  Something like this only happened once before and the sub quit right after.  Damn, this sub is a tough kid.

I turn back to Lyle, "how did you want me to punish him?" I ask.  "That's for you to decide" he responds.  I smirk when he said that.  I really don't give out punishments, but I fucking hate people who take advantage of other just because they seem weak.  Those types of people sicken me, so I was looking forward to take some anger out on this asshole.  "I'll let you know when I've thought of something appropriate." I say while looking at the dick who seemed to be fucking enraged.

Lyle then concludes the meeting, dismissing the pathetic excuse of a Dom first, then the sub, then me. 

Before I leave I renew my lease for my room, pay, then say my goodbyes.  Lyle walks me out after, then goes back to his office once we reached to entrance of the building.  Before walking out I catch a glance of the sub, who seems to be helping the bartenders get ready to open.  His features looked so perfect, almost like a porcelain doll.  He glances back at me, then quickly looks away before leaving to go help other staff members.  I smirk at his shyness, then finally leave the building.

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