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Angel's POV

Well it's been about ten minutes, where is he? Oh my God stop losing your mind, and give him a sec.

Maybe this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have called him. I can always tell him I don't need a ride anymore though. But that would be rude. But my uncle is gonna be livid if he finds out Jay gave me a ride home. But fuck him. But what if I lose my job or have Jay kicked out?

Okay I'll tell him I don't need a ride anymore. Oh that's a nice car. I wonder how much money you need for that. Nevermind the car, I have to tell...wait, why is that car pulling over? Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. It's him.

I watched as the car slowly pulled over to the side of the curb. The window unrolled and it confirmed my suspicion that it definitely was Master Jay in the car.

"Need a ride doll?" He asked. "This is a really nice car." I said. He he chuckled and got out. "Well if my company's cars weren't 'nice' then there'd be a problem."

"Isn't this an eclipse car?" I asked. In response he smirked and nodded. "Galactica, 2024." He said. Wow, this was one of the hybrids. "What you mean by your company?" I asked. "It's means exactly how it sounds. My company." He said.

My jaw hit the ground. "So if you're the head of eclipse, then you're Jay Moon?" I asked. He nodded again. At that moment I couldn't contain my excitement. "Holy fuck I'm talking to a celebrity! And he's driving me home!!!"

He started chuckling. "Watch that mouth doll, or it might not be a ball gag that stuffs it."

Okay it might just be the fact that he's a fucking celebrity and I'm totally fangirling over him right now, but that was just so hot. I couldn't not blush at that.

Anybody that knows who he is would either want to be him or be with him. I mean, I've never cared enough to see pictures of him online but even after meeting him in person I knew he was drop dead gorgeous. A 6'5" man with a toned body, jet black hair, emerald green eyes, sexy voice, and, from what I've heard, the cock of God. Fucking perfect, what could be wrong with him?

"Let's get you home, I'm not the biggest fan of standing on a random street at 2 in the morning." He said.

He opened the passenger side door and I carefully scooted my way into the car. Just my presence alone felt too dirty to be in here. I felt like I was tainting everything inside just by looking at it.

He walked back around the car and got into the driver side. "Address?" He asked. "Oh 42 Junesberry Avenue." I said. "Is that where the old stadium got torn down a couple of years ago?" He asked, and in response, I nodded my head. "Great, I actually know where that is." He said.

Soon we drove off, and we're headed to my house. I was actually starting to get pretty insecure about my lack of money. My house was shabby, my car was shabby, all of my clothes are shabby. There was not a single nice thing that I owned. Ewwwww and he's gonna see the shitty building I live in. I'm definitely gonna give him the ick.

To get my mind off of that I tried to stare out the window. However, my focus was instantly stolen by Jay's hand gripping my thigh. I looked up at him and his eyes were on the road, almost as if it was natural for him to do this.

I tried to stare out of the window again but this time he said something. "What's on your mind doll?" I was actually surprised he was asking this. I didn't even see him look at me, but I can't tell him about how my lack of money is causing me to give myself the ick, so I said, "what did you do during the punishment?"

"Well shit, I didn't know you were so curious about it. How about I answer your question if you answer one of mine." He said. That seemed pretty fair, I just hope his question isn't super personal or anything. "I can work with that." I said.

"What happened with you and your uncle, I heard he was supposed to be driving you home." He asked.

I sighed. I didn't want to talk about it because it's probably so miniscule, and I'm most likely being dramatic about him being an asshole. But that was Jay's question, so I have to answer if I want him to answer mine.

"We just got in a stupid fight, and I told him to pull over and then I got out of the car, and he drove away."

He chuckled when I said that. "Sounds like someone may have been acting like a brat." He said.

I frowned and looked down at my feet. "Can you answer my question now?" I asked.

He paused before talking. "I scared him." He said. Well that wasn't satisfying. I wanna know what he did.

"Okay but how did you scare him, like physically what did you do?" I asked him.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." He said. Are you kidding me? That's it? That was his answer? It wasn't enough.

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked. He raised in eyebrow. "Why did you really want to know?" He asked in response.

I took a minute to think about my answer. "I guess I'm just sick of people thinking I wasn't ready to handle something. It makes me feel like people look down upon me."

He took him another hot second to form a response. It was like he was trying to word his answer in a way that would make sense, but still wouldn't make me upset.

"Why are you a sub?" He asked. I was very confused about that question but I answered anyway. "I don't know, I guess I just like taking it up the ass." I said.

That made him chuckle. "Yeah sure you're a bottom, but why are you a sub?" He asked. "Well what's the difference?" I asked in response.

"The being a bottom is mainly how you like to have sex, but being a sub is more of a lifestyle." He explained. I actually never thought of that. I have no idea why I'm a sub, but I couldn't stand the thought of having to take care of someone, but why would I be a sub?

"I guess it feels nice to have someone actually give a shit about me. I want someone to stand up for me and care about how I feel. Ever since I lose my parents it felt like I was on my own, and I just want to be taken care of, but still seen as a person." I said.

He started chuckling. "You have the worst case of FOMO I have ever seen." He stated.

My jaw dropped. He was pretty correct, but damn the audacity was strong with this one.

"Don't worry I'm just messing with you, I get what you mean." He reassured. "But from that, what if the people tonight were trying to show you there way off caring, and trying to keep you safe?"

Well damn, I really didn't think about that way. I guess that meant I was also an asshole to my uncle, and he was really just trying to look out for me.

At that moment he pulled into the parking lot, and I couldn't help but be a little disappointed about the car ride ending, so I asked another question as I exited the vehicle.

"How did I not notice that you were the Jay Moon? I'm sure other people would've said something too."

He got out and started walking me to the front door of the complex. "I guess I'm just one to fuck first then talk later." He said.

I opened the front door. "But you're talking to me first." I said.

He laughed and got really close to me, until his lips were almost brushing my ear. "Would you prefer that I fuck you?" He whispered.

Holy shit. Instant blush. Instant boner.

I immediately retreated into the building and said, "thank you for giving me a ride home," then I shut the door.

I immediately ran up to my apartment and looked out the window.

I watched as his car pulled away, and I couldn't help but wonder about what would've happened if I had taken him up on his offer.

He was definitely scary but he also seemed to be quite caring and surprisingly intuitive. It's actually impressive that he doesn't have a sub yet, but that's his business. I wonder if Uncle Lyle is awake so I can apologize. Hopefully I still have a job.


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days.  I'm facing exams and going through a breakup at the moment.  Got lots of lies to uncover.  But hope you enjoyed the chapter bye!!!!

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