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Angel's POV

I'm sorry, did he just tell me to give him a blowjob?  What the hell do I do?  I can always say no, but I offered to make it up to him, and I was a little intrigued, but I don't know if I should. 

He continued to stare at me, waiting for an answer.  Even though we were eye level, he still found a way to be intimidating.  "H-here?  Right now?" I asked.  "I don't see why not," he said.  Well I guess this is the time and the place. 

I got on my knees and he started to unbuckle his belt.  I've sucked dick before, but never at the club.  I felt a little bad cause this was my uncle's club and it felt disrespectful, but we both know what I signed up for, so I guess it's fine.

"Angel!  Jay!  What the fuck is going on?!"  Speak of the devil. 

I instantly stood up, and turned around to face my uncle, and he was pissed.  This is going to be the absolute worst car ride home ever. 

"I want you in my car now!  Get your shit."  He told me.  I sighed and turned to the direction of the locker room, but stopped when I heard my uncle. 

"You are lucky I don't have you kicked out.  First your fucking stunt tonight and now this little episode?  What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I thought he was talking to me, but when I turned back around he was facing Master Jay.  "I did nothing wrong," Master Jay started, "I performed a punishment, just like you asked me to, and I simply wanted to start a scene with a white wristband sub.  There's no reason for you to kick me out."

I watch as uncle Lyle started to become livid.  "How about starting off with traumatizing my members again, and then you go an start some shit with my-" Uncle Lyle instantly shut his mouth. 

Master Jay then looked at me, and look back at him.  He definitely knew I meant something to Lyle now, but didn't know what.  I'd prefer to not say anything about him being my uncle just in case people do think it's nepotism. 

Once it looked like he finally figured something out, he turned back to Uncle Lyle and started laughing.  "Have you caught feelings for your little employee?" He asked. 

The jaws of both me and my uncle practically hit the floor.  I guess it did look like that, but it was still traumatic to hear. 

Master Jay instantly saw the shift in energy and realized he was very wrong.  He looked back at me and sank deep into thought.  Once he reached a conclusion his eyes widened.  "Holy shit, you're Julian's kid.". I stood there in disbelief.  "How do you know my dad?" I asked. 

My uncle spoke up, "Jay has been a friend of mine since before the club opened.  He and Alex actually helped get the place up and running.  They were with me when I found out about the accident."

"And holy shit said I never thought I'd ever meet you," said Master Jay.

"Angel we should go home, and Jay I want you to stay away from him.". Uncle Lyle said. 

I nodded my head and walked into the locker room.  When I came out with my stuff, my Uncle Lyle had already left, but Jay was still here. 

I tried to walk past him, but he slipped something into my back pocket.  "Call me if you need something," he said. Then, he slapped me on the ass and walked away. 

Damn, I know my uncle doesn't want us near each other but I found Master Jay quite compelling. 

I took the thing he slipped into my pocket and saw that it was a phone number.  Should I?  No I shouldn't.  Fuck it I will. 

I pulled my phone out of my bag and and put the phone number into my contacts.  I'll probably never use it, but the thought of having the house master's phone number in my contacts made me feel like royalty.  Plus, he was the only person in my contacts besides my manager and uncle Lyle.

After putting the number in, I strolled out to the entrance and found uncle Lyle waiting for me.  Together we walked out the door, and to his car.  "Are we leaving my car here?" I asked.  "Yeah, tomorrow I'll come pick you up before opening and you can drive home im the evening." He responded.  The idea seemed fine so I went with him. 

The car ride home was silent.  No talking, no music, not even any road rage from him.  Just complete silence. 

I used the opportunity to wonder about what Mister Alex or Master Jay were up to.  I can't believe they both knew my parents.  Am I like a celebrity or something?  I wonder what would've happened to Greg had Master Jay know beforehand that I was Lyle's nephew.  What even was the punishment that he got?  I know I definitely wouldn't have wanted to see it, but I want to know something. 

"What happened to Greg?" I asked.  "He was punished" uncle Lyle responded.  I was getting antsy as to what the punishment was.  I wanted to know.  "But what was the punishment?" I asked.  "Do you really want to know?" I asked in response. 

I quickly nodded my head, and he sighed.  "Jay likes to create pain along with psychological torment, and that's all I'm gonna say."  Dammit, now I'm even more curious. 

"Angel, I really need you to stay away from him.  You don't know him like I do, and he is dangerous, trust me." Scolded uncle Lyle.  I knew he just wanted me to be safe but I couldn't help but be compelled by Master Jay, and telling me that he's dangerous only makes me more curious.  It's like telling someone to not push a red button, but instead it's telling me not to climb up a red flagpole.  That's definitely one of my worst habits. 

"Why didn't you want him to know about me?" I asked.  He said nothing.  "Are you ashamed of me?" I asked, starting a get a little irritated.  "You need to learn how to speak without an attitude." He responded. 

This royally pissed me off.  He was avoiding my question and I was done with him talking down to me.  I wanted out of this car. 

"Pull over," I said.  "What?" He asked.  "I said pull the fuck over." I snapped. 

In turn, he pulled the car over to the side of the road.  "Get out.  Come back once you're done acting like a fucking child." He scolded. 

That was it was for me.  I got out of the car without saying a word and slammed the door. 

I gave him the middle finger then he sped off.  Shit, well I still have another 15 minute drive to my house, and I have no idea how long of a walk that is.  I suppose I could call an uber, but they freak me out.  Plus I was trying to save up as much as a can for a new apartment.  I guess I have no other choice. 

I pulled out my phone and dialed they only person in my contacts who I was willing to talk to.  I needed him after all. 

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