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Alexander POV

I barged into the club and looked around for Lyle.  I'm gonna fucking kill him.

"Alex slow down we can talk about this!" Leah shouts.  She's one of the more well-known dominatrixes of the club and is also my best friend.  At the moment she's chasing me through the club because she just told me quite an interesting piece of information and she's worried that I'm about to do something I'll regret.

I match upstairs, down the hallway, and, without even knocking, let myself right into Lyle's office.  "Hey whoa, are you good?" he asked, clearly oblivious.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!  You let a sub get fucking harassed, and now you're getting Jay involved?!" I scream.

I usually like to keep myself calm, but I was pissed that Lyle let Jay get involved.  Jay has his own shit to worry about, and getting him involved in an already messy situation could just make things work.  Jay doesn't think like a normal person, and last time he punished someone,  he fucking traumatized multiple other subs, as well as some Doms.  Although I do see why you'd want someone like Greg to get his ass beat, Jay just takes shit too far.

"Listen Alex, I get that you're upset but-" "Do you know how many members we lost because they were so traumatized from Jay's punishment?"  I couldn't even think straight.  I didn't want the club to lose anymore members, and I especially didn't want people to need fucking therapy because of something that's supposed to be a kink.

"Alex!!  *Huff*  Hold on!!" Leah says as she finally catches up.  Gotta say though, I'm surprised she was able to run in the heels she's wearing.

"Alex he probably has a good explanation." she says as she catches her breath.  I walk over to Lyle, who honestly seems pretty worried about what I'll do next.  "You better have a damn good reason for letting Jay do this punishment." I say.

After a few seconds, Lyle sighs and begins talking.  "I needed someone to make an example out of.  Recently, many people have been trying to bend the rules we have here, and this would be a good way to let people know what could happen when they try to take advantage of something.  I understand the past that the club has with Jay regarding his previous punishment last year, therefore I will be putting the punishment on the schedule and a written and verbal warning to those that might not want to see something like that take place."

"Jesus Lyle, what the fuck even happened to the kid that made you so pissed off that you chose Jay to punish him?" I ask.  "Greg tried to take advantage of one of my staff for a scene, and when my staff refused to give his consent, he was physically assaulted.  That shit does not fly here" he says.

"You seem to have a soft spot for this kid" I respond.  "Do you remember Monica and Julian?" Lyle asks.  I did remember them.  Julian was Lyle's older brother, and Monica was Julian's wife.  Just days before the club opened, they were involved in a car crash with a drunk driver.  Neither of them survived. Lyle was crushed and didn't open the club for another few months. 

"Yeah, why?" I ask.  With sorrow in his face, Lyle explains.  "The new bartender that was assaulted is their son, Angel, also my nephew.  On his 21st birthday he applied here at the club.  Now don't get me wrong, he knows to the fullest extent what this club is, but the job pays well and he's been looking into moving to another apartment."

"Jesus" was all I was able to say.

"Okay, y'know that's kinda creepy to have your nephew working at the sex club that you own right?" Leah chimes in.

"Shut the fuck up Leah, he's a bartender that's open for scenes, and he knows what kind of a club he's in.  Also I didn't even want him to work here for that reason." Lyle fires back.

"Does Jay know he's your nephew?" I ask.  "He doesn't, only you two know, and I want it to stay that way.  Also keep Jay away from him, he's not gonna end up like the previous sub." Lyle says.

My eye twitched when he mentioned Jay's previous sub.  Nobody knows what happened to him, but it's affected Jay ever since.  There's been rumors going around that Jay killed him, but I know for a fact that Jay would rather kill himself than have that sub out in harm's way.

"Fine" I say as I turn to leave.

Once downstairs, I headed over to the bar to see if Angel was working.  He's served me once or twice, and I'll have to admit, he is pretty sexy.  It's honestly impressive that he didn't have a Dom of his own.  He seems well-behaved, and easy to spoil.

Seeing that he was in the bar I walked over and sat down.  "What could I get for you today sir?" He asks. I gently grabbed his jaw and pulled his face toward me, taking a good look at the bruise on his cheek.  He blushed and the sudden contact and averted his eyes.

"Have you been in any pain?" I ask.  I let him go and his responds.  "No sir, I've been okay.  Thankfully no injuries other than the bruise." I keep my eyes on him and pause for a second before speaking.  "Listen, as you know, later tonight that Dom will be punished.  While I think it's a good idea in general for you to stay away from him, I wanted to let you know that Master Jay is going to be punishing him, and his punishments are not for the weak.  So when that time comes, I would like for you to be in the break room, understand?"

Being the house Daddy, I made to care for all of the subs and much as I can.  Due to my status, people also knew that if I asked you to do something, you do it.

He looked at me for a split second.  "Yes sir" he says.  "Good boy, now as for your question earlier, I'd like a bud light.  20 ounces." I say

"Yes sir" he responds, and within a minute, he's back with my beer and serving the next guest. 

I sat and drank my beer, looking around for subs and thinking about the punishment that'll be taking place later.  While Jay is fucking terrifying, his punishments do fit the crime in their own morbid way.  With that being said, I was curious to see what Jay had in store for all of us. 

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