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I couldn't stop thinking about what Mr. Alex told me.  Should I really leave when the punishment starts?  I've been able to handle some tough things in my life, but I'm not sure if I wanna see this.  I know he's just looking out for me. 

I never thought I'd even be in this position, not even just a legal incident, but just this job in general.  I've always dreamed of becoming a writer and having my stories published but so far nothing has caught on, and no publishers wanted to even hear me out on my stories. 

Instead I'm working as a bartender at my uncle's weird ass club, although it is starting to grow on me.  I've had questions and have just overall been curious about this lifestyle, and as a gay bottom, it's hard to find an offline community of people with a similar lifestyle.

"Angel...Angel!" Oh shit it's Shea.  She is one of the bitchiest managers ever, and the only reason the club keeps her is because she's a pretty face and good at sales. 

I turn to her, "what do you want?" I say.  "Okay first off, lose that attitude, it's not attractive, and second, there's been a dude calling for a bartender for like two minutes," she snips back.

I turn around and, sure enough, there's an annoyed looking dom standing at bar.  I go over and ask him what he wants.  "I'll take a shot of crown." He says.  I remember we didn't get a new shipment of alcohol yet so I politely say, "unfortunately we only have crown peach, but if that's what you like, I'll be happy to get you a shot.". This pissed him off, and just before he starts to bitch, a familiar face walks up to the bar.

"Am I gonna have to punish two people today?" Master Jay asks.  The other dom gets pissed but shuts up and walks away.  "Well I guess he didn't want that crown peach" I say.  Master Jay let's out a small chuckle.  I didn't think he was all that scary like everyone said, I just thought he was tough, but I've only ever interacted with him a few times.

"You've gotta personality," he says, "most other subs would cowar away the moment I walk up to the bar."  I smile and, with a snarky attitude, reply, "well you haven't given me any reason to."  He stops and stares before saying, "and let's keep it that way, I also want you upstairs while the punishment commences."

My eyebrows furrow, how come people all of the sudden give a shit about my well-being right now?  I get that they don't want me to be triggered, but I'm not a fucking kid. 

Unfortunately Master Jay spotted the attitude immediately.  "Behave yourself.  You know better than to question my judgement," he scolds.  I sighed.  "I just don't understand why people seem so concerned right now, it's not just you or Mister Alex, but I've multiple doms and subs come up to me asking if they're worried, and also telling me they think I should leave early or take a break while the punishment goes on.  I wish people had some faith in my strength." 

He stood there for a good moment moment, and it looked like he was figuring out what to say next, but thankfully, he didn't look offended at my ranting.

He finally spoke.  "I don't think it's that we don't think you're strong or can't handle yourself.  For most of us, it's only natural to want to care for people, especially subs.  I understand that you may feel frustrated, but we only want to help, and we feel that you've dealt with enough.  Personally, I wouldn't want you to even look at him.  He's not worth it, and between you and me, you're uncle would being fucking pissed if you were put in under more distress, and we want to avoid that."

He had a point.  Most people in here are just trying to help, and really do care.  "You have a way with words," I say, "I can see why people call you dangerous."  He smiled, "only when I have to be," he said as he kissed me on the hand. 

It caught me off guard and made me blush.  "C-can I get you s-something to drink sir?" Well I fucked that up.  "I'll have a jack and coke, I'm in the mood for something sweet."  I turned around and started making his drink.  Personally I didn't understand how he could think a jack and coke is sweet, but to each their own. 

After his drink was made, I walked over to give it to him, and of course he's talking to none other than uncle fucking Lyle.  I set the drink on the table and tried to walk away when I heard, "Angel, get over here, we need to have a word." Shitttttttttt. 

Reluctantly, I turned around around and walked over.  "You needed to have a word with me?" I say.  "The punishment starting soon and I need you either upstairs or gone, you may not like it, but you just are not ready to handle something like this."  I was livid when he said that, he fucking knows about the shit that I had to endure, and, apparently, has zero idea how strong I had to be.  "I have absolutely no idea what I can handle, and the fact that you don't even have any faith in me makes you just as ignorant as everyone else."  I said, then stormed out and upstairs to the staff lounge.  I knew pulling something like that was definitely going to get me punished but I just felt sick of people viewing me almost like child. 

As I walk into the staff lounge I see Mister Alex come out of his room, looking slightly concerned.  He was going to say something but I shut the door before he could get the chance to. 

Once in the lounge, I grabbed water, popped on the TV and sat on the couch.  I checked the time on my phone, a quarter to 11, the punishment would soon commence, and while I was still pissed off at everyone, they were kind of right, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to see what was going to happen.  So far the mean time I kicked my feet up and tried to relax.  I surely knew that after Jay was done, then someone would come up to punish me too, so I'm gonna take advantage of my down time while I can. 

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