ai hans told me to share this story

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"The Endless"


Let's begin! The story begins with...

A boy, a normal boy.

But there was a secret about that boy. Yes, it was a secret that no one expected...

But let's leave the secret hidden for a while. So, this boy was just spending a day at home, by himself.

Let me describe the scene.

A sunny day, a bright day...but the room is quite dark.

A single window lets the light come in, a ray that touches the boy's back every once in a while. But he still likes to keep the curtains closed. Yes, the boy likes to keep these curtains closed.

He has to, for his own secret. Now, here comes what I want you to focus very carefully on, okay?

This room itself...It is very empty.

Though the boy does like to stay in here, he is by himself. Yes, yes, this boy does not have anyone to talk to...and he's actually okay with that.

The boy does not particularly want to be with anyone else. In fact...he enjoys being alone and not having to bother about other people's feelings all the time. Yes, he's a bit of a loner.

It's okay though, for there is one thing that he loves to do while being secluded. He loves to draw and write stories...

He loves to create imaginary worlds where he can be free and without shackles.

Yes, the boy loves being free. Free of all worries, of all expectations, and of all people.

For the boy, this empty room, is actually...a little world of his own. A world where he is the master and no one else is allowed.

This boy loves this room a lot. He loves that he can be by himself in here...

Now then, the boy began to draw and write in his room for a while...and then, his parents started to call him. It was dinner time, so he had to come out for a moment.

He put all of his drawing and writing stuff away, but he forgot to close his curtains completely. And...well let's just say that if other people were to find out what the boy was doing here, they would be very shocked and worried.

So, he was forced to stay in here...but the boy was perfectly okay with it.

After dinner, the boy went back into his room.

Now that he was alone again, he could pick his pen back up and get back to work.

Soon enough, he found himself completely lost in his work once again.

Even if he's forced to stay here, he can be okay with that~

And if anyone ever found out about him...

Ah, he just knows how to shut them up!

So, he was working hard at his newest work. He was really having fun!

But he felt like something wasn't quite complete with his work...

It felt like something was missing...

Like what he had was still not enough...

His drawing looked empty...and so did the story...

He felt frustrated, as if something was pulling at his heart strings...but he doesn't know what it was...

"What am I missing?"

"What exactly is it that I'm lacking?"

He couldn't quite grasp it.

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