shit I posted

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Imma fix it later once I get in my other acc:

(a very special kind of Billyposting)
This is from based from Klidge's video on Bond Levelling. 

The local Billy enjoyer is going to analyze her man's bond levelling curve. I have small poopoo brain, and may make mistakes, but my heart is true. (I'm still on the bond journey for Billy)

For starters, his bond is similar to his bro Robin, where I have seen someone analyze his bond points, so I might get some inspo from there. There's also someone in Reddit has classified this as Type H.

Bonds (1 to 5) - The total bond to get to level 5 is 35,000 bond.
Bond Level 1 - 4,000 "Hey, nice to meet ya. From now on, I'll do my best!" - Billy is the type of guy to be approachable with his usual smile. While both of them are in good terms, he sees them as nothing more but an acquaintance or an ally who can be of use in the future.

Bond Level 2 - 12,000 "Ahaha! Sorry partner, were you hoping for some peace and quiet?" - The sudden jump of the required bond points, shows Billy's hesitance to become closer. He may seem friendly, but he still is wondering if he trusts the master or not. It's kind of hard to tell about the dialogue related and I may be missing some context. But he's trolling the master from his expressions and tone alone. He's still sticking to his cheerful and childish facade behind that smile, but might start to see them as a friend.

Bond Level 3 - 3,000 "...Hm, I hear you hate it when it gets noisy so I tried to be quiet. Not this quiet, then?" - The bond requirement drop surprising lesser than the initial ones. It seems that he is starting to warm up as his expression becomes more sincere than the bond level 2 one where he sounds like he is saying it as a joke. But this dialogue one, it sounds like he does start to care about the master, but the atmosphere is awkward for the both of them. But it's a start of how Billy's act is starting to show some cracks.

Bond Level 4 - 13,000 "Oh, Master, how long have ya been over there? The whole dang time? Hrm, I must be losing it..." - This dialogue seems to refer him observing the master. The amount of the requirements spike tremendously, is him still being distrustful towards them, but how he sounds with his lines, it seems that he is worried that the master might start to see through that smile of his, and he may be contemplating whether or not to open up to them.

Bond Level 5 - 3,000 "Alrighty then, let me break it to ya. I'm not some carefree legendary gunman. I like those quiet, lonesome nights. I'm a bit of an outcast. But if you'll still have me, I'll stick around." - This one hits so hard. He finally realized that he doesn't need to keep up his act, or he senses that the master probably can see through his own act. And this might mean, that the master sees him as an equal, as someone with feelings. Not as an outlaw who will kill mercilessly with a smile, nor as a legend that he has to live up to. Not as a servant the master uses for the holy grail, but as partners with undeniable camaraderie. He may see himself as an outcast, but if he master would still want to have him around, he'd stick around and fight for them till the very end.

I'm not very sure how accurate I am though, and may have missed out on some details, but this is just how I interpret him as. Please critique me if needed, as I want nothing but the best for him.

(But fr though, this has gotta be the most elaborate shit post I have ever cooked, now I'm gonna go do my college work)

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