Part eleven- "Grayson stop staring"

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I opened the little present as I smiled,I was smiling so much that my jaw actually hurt a bit. How can one boy make me this happy?after everything that's happened how has he managed to make me smile?he the best boyfriend and best friend I could ever ask for.

The wrapping paper,in it's festive glory,covered in snow men was covered in cello tape,if I brake my nail opening this i thought and laughed at what I knew chris' reaction would have been to my thought. He would have told me to shut up and laughed at me followed shortly by a kiss.

I finally got through the paper nail in tact and I see my headphones,sitting neatly,un tangled in my lap.

He is a babe,he knows me so so well it's actually unreal,sometimes I think he knows me better than myself. My bestfriend,boyfriend and so much more. That goofball is my world.

I lay back in my chair and just smiled at the ceiling,i may have looked like a right wierdo but I didn't care. I was so happy in that moment no one was going to ruin it.

I plugged in my headphones and loaded up Netflix,what to watch? I wonder to myself. Pretty little liars? Yeah let's go with that,i had quite a bit to catch up on.

Half way through my flight I looked up from having sat staring at my screen for about 45 minutes straight and stretched. Not just any stretch,one of those I don't care right now,I look like an out of control monster kind of stretches. I completely forgot there were other people on the plane but for once,i really didn't care.

Normally I care too much about what people think but chris always told me to stop caring and do what made me happy and I feel for once I was.

After stretching and feeling less tired,i looked to the right of me and on the seat opposite to me other side of the plane was this boy sitting there with his headphones in,legs on the chair next to him since he was sat one seat away from who I presumed was his mom. He was sat closest to the window,staring straight at me. He wasn't even trying to be discreet about it,he was full on staring at me.

"Grayson stop staring at her." I heard his mom say to him when she saw him staring at me,she may have thought she said it quietly but I still heard it. I scratched my nose awkwardly,looked away and continued watch Netflix for the remainder of the flight.

Why was he staring at me?

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