Part four-A facebook flood

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as soon as I got home I went and sat it the chair my dad always sat in,I know it sounds wierd but it even still had the indents of him bum from when he was sat there.

That's what brought it home,the fact that this time yesterday he was sat in this very chair eating popcorn watching football shouting c'mon when each player with the ball got closer to the goalpost.

How could this have happened?how have I gone from being this happy 18 year old loving life with a perfect boyfriend and loving father to being this fragile broken girl feeling so alone?

"That's probably not a good idea melly." chris said walking down the stairs from using the bathroom.That was chris' pet name for me because he thought it was cute and so did I to be honest.

"I know but it just reminds me of him,i can't believe he's gone. Crazy how fast things can change." i looked to the ground as tears began to rebuild in my eyes.

"It will be okay,you have me,my mom,my dad you know they adore you your practically like another daughter to them expect you know your dating m-w-a." chris smiled,i plucked up the energy to give a weak smile.

"And there's crawf,karisma,kirsten. We're all here for you melly." I looked up at chris,stood up and kissed him. Even if I didn't have any family left I always had chris which made the decision I was contemplating in my head 1000x harder to make.

It was pretty late so we decided to head to bed,i couldn't bear to sleep upstairs so we made a pillow for downstairs like we used to when we were little with all chris' siblings. I fell asleep in chris' arms as I was pretty exhausted with good reason.

I woke up to see chris wasn't next to me,I was confused. Where had he gone?maybe he'd gone to see him mom or something. I grabbed my phone and looked at the clock,damn 11:45 that's late for me but then again I was grieving so I had a reason to sleep in a little.

I saw I had a text from chris. It read;

C; gone to the shop to get some stuff,ill be back around 2:30 ish love you baby<3

I quickly replied saying okay and that I loved him too. Since chris wasn't going to be home for atleast another two hours i decided to keep myself occupied and keep my mind off things by going on my laptop. this did the exact opposite of keeping my mind off things as my facebook was flooded with sympathy messages. how did people online know my dad had passed away? And then I saw how.

There was a post i was tagged in that said;

"I'm so sorry for the loss of your father Amelia Smith my thoughts and prayers are with you darling,sending love,if you ever need me I'm just an inbox away,i love you sweetheart xxx"

It was a message that both melted and broke my heart at the same time,but the part I was most shocked about was who the post was from.

It was from my aunt in New York.

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