Part twelve- Landing in NYC

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Finally,after half an hour of trying to ignore this boy staring at me,we landed. I packed up my things such as my laptop,headphones etc and began walking to the exit.

I couldn't help but feel like I'd forgot something,never the less I shrugged it off and carried on walking through the plane until I reached the door. I so wished they had one of those huge slides leading from the door of the plane to the ground but no. Sadly just plain old stairs.

My aunt said she had arranged to come and pick me up from the airport,the thing is I didn't know what she looked like. Well I did but I only remember her looking the way she did 13 years ago and even that image in my head is blurred,since you know it was what seemed like a lifetime ago.

I remember some features of her clearly though. Light brown hair, greyish blue eyes,tall like my dad was. I seem to remember her having this tattoo on her wrist of a sun and a moon or something like that but that could just be something my mind had made up over time.

It's not even like there was an updated picture of her on her facebook profile I could use as a reference. All her pictures are of flowers and her various different crafts,her paintings,cross stitching,knitted blankets etc. She portrays herself as older than she is with all the knitting and cross stitching but she's only about 39.

The only thing I could do was keep an eye out for someone who resembles the image I had in my head. I was hoping she would find me and come up to me first so I wouldn't be faced with one of those cliche oh your not who I thought you were moments.

I found a Starbucks in the centre of the airport where she asked me to wait for her when I spoke to her the day before. Atleast I hoped I was in the right place. I ordered my usual,raspberry passion tea lemonade and headed to sit down in this main seating area in the airport.

After about 15 minutes of waiting I look up to see this talk brunette standing infront of me with this little boy with big blue eyes standing next to her with a toy train in one hand and holding her hand with the other.

"Amelia?" She asked. I nodded,stood up and we hugged,it was a very heartfelt hug as if you could feel the 13 years of seperation melt into nothing,like I'd been around her my whole life.

"You've changed so much,your absolutely stunning." my aunt told me. I blushed as thanked her for her compliment. i looked over at the little boy and smiled only to recieve the biggest smile I had seen in years. "Amelia this is oscar,oscar this is Amelia your big cousin."

I leant down and gave Oscar a big hug which I was surprised he accepted since he had never met me before and I was basically a stranger to him. I felt so much love from my aunt and cousin,they were my family. My real family,all I had left and I couldn't have been happier to see them and finally be reunited with my aunt and to have met my little cousin.

As I had already retrieved my suitcase from that wierd conveyer belt,we began to walk towards my aunts car. I heard Oscar say to aunt lily that he wanted to walk with me,next thing I know he's stood next to me holding my hand walking with me looking up at me as if I was some type of giant. He had such genuine interest in his eyes like he was really fascinated by me,i couldn't help but feel like I had become a bit of a role model to Oscar and I felt good about it.

We reached the car and i strapped Oscar in to his car seat in the back,got in the front and pulled out my phone. I turned airplane mode off and called chris straight away. There was no answer,i didn't think much of it,he was probably asleep or something. I left him a voicemail telling him about how I loved the letter he wrote and how happy I was to have finally met Oscar for the first time and my aunt again.

"Call me when you get this." I said before I pressed the end call button. I miss him already like crazy.

With the thought of the letter he wrote me fresh on my mind I decided to read it again,i reached in my bag and saw that the other 9 envelopes were there but not the one I had opened.

When I suddenly remembered that feeling I had of having forgot something on the plane... i had left the letter on the plane.

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