Puppy rescue - Soobin

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A/N: This week, a romantic connection is possible.

The week begins on Monday, October 2, with Mercury in Virgo making a semisextile to Venus in Leo and your house of fun. You only want to have fun today. Today is about resting on the sofa and taking your time. It's about savoring your meal and watching a movie all the way through the credits. Aries, your speed today is about a mosey.

Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn and your house of career on Friday, October 6. You feel recharged and ready to go. And that could mean focusing on your job or side business. Aries, you can be very productive today, solving problems and focusing your energy to get something done. If you have a straightforward list of things to do, you can check them off with no trouble. But if something is a mystery or needs a little extra work, you could find yourself going down a rabbit hole and discovering all kinds of things.


It's a nice sunny day and Soobin and Lia are just at a picnic, looking after Junsu and his friends. Everything is all perfect as they sat on the mat. 

"Hey, Lia..... By any chance, do you want to have kids on our own?" He asked. 

"Mmmm.... why do you ask?" She asked. 

"I just want to know if you#re a family person." He replied. 

"I would love to have kids on my own.It'd be great getting mini us and see them run around the house, cleaning after their poop, dropping them off school...." She said, "Do you want some?" 

"It never crossed my mind at first ever since my old friend left without a warning..... but after opening to my members, our friends and meeting you..... It's been lingering." He explained. 

She smiled as the two are going to share a kiss before Areum came running. 

"LIA! LIA! JUNSU FELL INTO THE LAKE!" Aruem screamed. 

Lia's panic striken as she covered her mouth in shock. 

Quickly, the two headed towards the lake where Junsu is. 

Junsu swam and swam for his life as he saw the puppy struggling. It howled as it was drowning. 

"Don't worry, puppy. I'm coming for you!" He said. 

He grabbed the little puppy and made it to the land safe and sound. 

Soobin rubbed Junsu who was soaking wet with a towel. 

"Oh my gosh..... Junsu, what are you thinking?!" Lia exclaimed, "I could have lost you!" 

"There's this puppy who couldn't swim and it's looked like it was going to drown at any minute." Junsu exclaimed. 

The puppy shook off the water as it was shivering head to toe. 

"Well, what you did was a brave and reckless thing to do. I don't know if I should even scold you or not..... you should be thankful that mom and dad isn't here." She placed a hand on her hips. 

"Hey..... it's fine. He made it out alive. Now.... what are we going to do with this little one?" Soobin asked. 

"Whover owns this dog must be really missing it." Naeun said. 

"Yeah.... maybe he's lost." Hanbin agreed. 

"Then how about we make some missing posters around the city and whoever finds it can call us?" Lia asked. 

"That's a great idea!" Junsu beamed, "And we can take care of it in the meantime." 

Once Lia's parents gone back, they explained everything about what's happened. Together they made some missing posters whilst they take care of it. 

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