Colds and TV - Huening kai

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A/N: This week, nothing is stopping you.

On Monday, February 5, Mercury in your house of friendships conjoins Pluto in Aquarius. Someone you like and admire could tell you something that rocks your world. This might be a compliment or a suggestion, and you suddenly see what you need to let go of and what you can grab hold of. Today, you could have an epiphany.

Venus in Capricorn and your house of career squares the North Node and South Node on Friday, February 9. You're very opinionated today. You know what you do and don't want, so you immediately have a reaction to every offer that comes in. You love it or you hate it. Today, there is no middle ground and not much of a desire to compromise.


It's a bright sunny morning, but Huening kai felt less energetic as usual. His throat was all scratchy, his forehead was burning hot and her nose was very stuffed with mucus. He groaned as he shifted in his bed.

He sighed heavily as he got a text message from Beomgyu. 

Sup, dude? You ready to start the day off straight? We've got a busy week month ahead of us. 

No, sorry. I don't think I can do anything.....

Why? What's wrong? 

I have a cold and I also have a stomach flu. My stomach won't stop growling and it kept me up fro the most of the night. 

Oh no.... maybe you should stay at home then. I'll let the others know. 

Yeah, thank you. 

Anytime, your health comes first. We may be idols, but that's no excuse to exhaust our bodies if something's wrong. 


Well, I better be going now, but get well soon. 

Thanks, see ya. 


He sighed before getting up from his bed. 

As everyone is having some breakfast, Huening trudged over and played with his rainbow flakes. 

"Huening, what's wrong?" Lea noticed. 

"I feel icky." Huening kai said. 

"Icky as in how?" Lea questioned. 

"Icky as my nose is totally blocked, my throat is all scratchy, like a cat climbed inside and left marks on it and I keep getting shivers and cold sweats. Oh, and let's not forget about my stomach. It keeps growling and growling nonstop." He patted his stomach. 

Bahiyyih took in a listening ear and heard Huening's stomach rumble angrily. 

"Oof, he's not wrong. It's like he's got a rock band playing there." She patted his tummy. 

Lea took a listening ear too and agreed. 

"Yep, I can see what you mean. You're seriously sick." Lea replied, "Do you want me to eat these for you?" 

"Yes, please." Huening kai nodded. 

"Alright, I'll make something else for you then." Lea said. 


"Alright, Huening. We're hbeading out now. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Bahiyyih asked. 

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