Time for school - TXTZY #1

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A/N: This week, you could make a great connection.

The week begins on Monday, March 11, with the new moon in Pisces. Also, Mercury in your own sign of Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius. Over the next two weeks, new possibilities abound. And because you love to do new things, this is right in your wheelhouse. There's the possibility of dancing, playing games, or enjoying some other interesting amusements. This is a good day to explore.

Venus enters the sign of Pisces on Friday, March 15. Venus will remain in Pisces until April 4. Aries, you could be very drawn to color and design. A new musical group might capture your imagination, and you could wear headphones for the rest of the day so you can listen to their songs over and over. Or you might have an inspiration for a creative project of your own.


Yuna went into her classroom before saying goodbye to her friends and she sat right near the window. They were all talking about what happened over the weekend when the teacher had come in. 

"Good morning, everyone. I hope everyone has had a nice weekend." 

As everyone settled down, the teacher soon checked everyone on the register. As she stopped at Huening kai's name, the certain devil had arrived. 

"Sorry I'm late. I've overslept..." He scratched his head. 

"And you sure look like it too." She said, picking the cornflakes from his hair. 

The other classmates laughed and chuckled at him. 

"Don't worry, just make your way to the seat." 

He bowed apologetically before making his way to sit next to Yuna. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah..... I thought today was Saturday." He shrugged, "I probably look like a trainwreck, don't I?" 

"Nah, don't worry about it. You're still the same Huening kai I know." She picked a cornflake and ate it. 

Yeji is passing through the corrirdors as everyone laughed at her. She was confused on why people are laughing until she can think of only one thing. 

She removed the piece of paper behind her back and read what it had said. 

"YEONJUN!!!" She yelled. 


She turned around and made a very cross expression as he smugged. 

"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" She shown him the note.

"Hey, I can't help it. You're just that easy to mess with!" Yeonjun started to giggle. 

She rolled her eyes as she shoved the note in the bin. 

"Hey, don't be mad. Can you ever be mad at this face?" Yeonjun pouted. 

"*sighs angrily* You're lucky I love you so much and that you're my friend." She said. 

He winked as he put an arm around her. 

"So what are we doing afterschool?" He asked. 

"I was thinking we can go to the skatepark. We haven't been there in like a long time." She thought. 

"That's a good idea! I love the skatepark!" Yeonjun chirped. 

She shook her head over how cute he was being and held back some giggles. 

At the skatepark, Soobin, Yeonjun and Yeji are just chilling while doing some sick tricks on the ramps. As Yeji is having fun on her skateboard, he can't help but to fall in love more and more. Even though they're frenimies and he loves to make her miserable, jut to have her in his arms seems so fitting in his head and heart. 

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