What should I do? - Seungkwan

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A/N: You expect people to stand by their word, dear Virgo. However, this week the universe will ask you to take a closer look at how others are conversing with you. Mars and Neptune are all camped out in Pisces while activating the sector of your chart that rules relationships. Personal commitments have a heavy role in any budding romances you've got on the periphery. You'll want to pay extra attention to what your crush says on the seventeenth. And if you find that they're not able to make good on their promises — you should take it as a serious red flag. Just remember to use a pragmatic and logical approach while analyzing others right now, your high standards often save you from bad situations, but knowing when to give others the benefit of the doubt won't always seem so clear.

As the week comes to a close, more uncertainty is likely to manifest as the sun moves into Gemini on the twentieth. It would be easy to get lost in romance right now, and it's okay if you do. Just try not to fall for any fantasies that seem unrealistic, as the week implies that the words being spoken throughout these days are unlikely to unfold the ways they're intended to.


In another sunny day, me and Seungkwan were hanging at in a little cafe that we always like to go to whenever he has a day off. 

"Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you something?" Seungkwan said. 

"Sure, what's up?" I asked.

"I have a crush of someone but I don't know what to do. She's so pretty and she isn't like most girls. Everytime that I see her, my face heats up and I just can go on forever and ever talking about her." He said. 

"Why don't you ask the others about it?" I asked him. 

"They've already know and some advices are worse than others, so I figured if I can get some advice from you then, maybe I would have an idea." He replied. 

"Okay, well, what's your crush's name? And do I know her?" I asked. 

"Her name is..... Charlotte. And yes, you know her very well." He replied. 

"Oh, wow. First of all, just be yourself. That's the only way that you can ge a girl's attention. If you pretend to ebs omething you're not because of that person, then that could put you in a mental state. Just being true to yourself is the key to win someone's heart." I said. 

"You're absoultely right." He said. 

The next week came and the two of us are lounging in the middle of the grassy field. 

"So how's you and Charlotte? Have you confessed yet?" I asked. 

"Uh.... not yet. I don't have the guts to do that yet....." He said. 

"How come?" I asked. 

"I don't want to rush into it. Plus, I've been thinking on what kind of gift I should get for her." He said. 

"A gift? What do you want to get her a gift for?" I asked confused. 

"Hello? Everyone knows that you need to get something that intricates your crush likes. If you buy the opposite of that, it will be a turn off." He said, 

"That is true. Well, what does Charlotte like? Let's start off with that." I said. 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"Like is she girly, is she a tomboy....?" I gave some examples. 

"Well, she does love to hang out with us a lot, so I think she's more of a tomboyish kind of girl." He said. 

"Then maybe you can get her like a scooter or some flowers. I heard that the most common flowers are roses, espeically pink ones. And maybe some caramolies and tulips will also be nice." I said, getting lost in thought.

"Ahem, this is for Charlotte, not for you." He said. 

"Oh yeah, right. Anyway, just get her those things and she will be one lucky girl indeed." I said.

"Okay, thanks for that." He said.

2 days after, I headed over to SEVENTEEN's dorm to see Seungkwan all alone, watching some TV. 

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked. 

"I don't know. Busy out doing their own things, probably." He said. 

"Well, how's Charlotte?" I asked. 

"Huh? *realizes* Oh, she eally likes the gifts I got her. She says that they're the best gifts anyone has ever had." He replied. 

"That's great to hear. Oh, I have something to tell you. The other day, someone send over a scooter and some flowers too. Do you know who could have send them to me?" I asked.

"Well, who send them?" He asked, trying to hide the flush on his face. 

"Someone called Timmy Andrews." I recalled the person's name. 

"Huh... yeah..... it's such a coiencedence....." He gulped. 

3 days after, me and Seungkwan went on a stroll on a nice summer day. We soon went into a little bakery place and ordered on the stuff that we want. 

As I ate my delicious snack, I realized that he's hardly even touching his food. 

"Hey, Seungkwan? Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, why?" He asked. 

Immiedatedly, I got the drift with no words explained. 

"Have you still not confessed to Charlotte yet?" I asked. 

"I'm worried that she might not feel the same." He said. 

"You wouldn't know unless you try. The sooner you do it the better, otherwise she will might move on to someone else." I replied, "I have an idea, how about you pretend that I'm Charlotte and you're confessing right now?"

He took a deep breath and looked at me with earnest. 

"I like you. I like you a lot ad I don't know how much I can explain my heart to you. When you smile, you light the wholwe world up. And when you cry, my heart aches for you. I would do whatever it takes to become the person you love with your blood, sweat and tears. Only that is if you accept me too...." He said honestly. 

I clapped my hands and hugged him.

"That's perfect! Now the next time you see her, just tell her the words you told me." I said, compliely oblivious. 

The hurt in his eyes were almost inevitable. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

Quickly, I know exactly on what was going on and I instanly face palmed. 

"Oh my god, Seungkwan..... I like you too." I said. 

His eyes lit up once again with the same smile evident on his face. 


A/N: Awww, wasn't that sweet? 

See you next time!!!!!



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